Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Region
"This Web site is dedicated to communicating information on USGS research and monitoring programs in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Region"

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Map of Great Lakes

Great Lakes Science Center

Program of Special Emphasis

USGS Great Lakes Science Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan, has studied the major adult fish populations in the Great Lakes for more than 50 years, providing resource managers at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, the Lake Committees, and others with annual estimates of forage fish biomass.  USGS scientists at the Great Lakes Science Center also conduct a wide variety of biological research in the Great Lakes basin addressing important species of concern such as lake trout, coaster brook trout, and lake sturgeon.  The Great Lakes Science Center is assisting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to develop and monitor "Indicators" of Great Lakes health and ecosystem integrity.  To accomplish these science missions, the USGS has the largest fleet of research vessels stationed throughout the Great Lakes.  The fleet consists of five large (45-107 foot) and several small (20-25 foot) vessels.  These vessels are equipped to sample fish, aquatic invertebrates, and water quality.  Laboratory facilities allow for the identification of taxa, quantification of prey abundance and diets, and water quality. USGS research divers assess biota and deploy underwater monitoring equipment.  Use of acoustic and other newly emerging technologies for fisheries research are helping to keep the science program at the Great Lakes Science Center healthy and vital.

  National Gap Analysis Program

Great Lakes Aquatic Gap Analysis Project Logo

Great Lakes Aquatic Project

Central Great

Lakes Geologic

Mapping Coalition

Great Lakes Terrestrial Gap Analysis Projects


Western Lake Erie Nearshore study

Northern Lake Michigan Substrate Mapping           

New  U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report  03-120

Great Lakes Islands - Decision Support System

Lakebed Habitat, Ecosystem, and Geologic Mapping in the Great Lakes

St. Joseph River Integrated Model


National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program


Ground Water in the Great Lakes Banner

Ground Water in the Great Lakes Basin

For additional information, please contact:

Norman G. Granneman

Great Lakes Program Coordinator

U.S. Geological Survey

6520 Mercantile Way

Lansing, Michigan    48911

Phone:  517-887-8936

Fax:      517-887-8937


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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Maintainer: Water Webserver Team
Last Update: 08/17/2004 02:19 PM
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