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Summary of selected computer programs produced by the U.S. Geological Survey for simulation of ground-water flow and quality - 1994

U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1104

by C.A. Appel and T.E. Reilly


A summary list of computer models that simulate ground-water flow and quality is presented. The list contains a brief description of each model program, its numerical features, a qualitative expression of the number of past applications, the reference for the report documenting the program, and where to obtain a copy. Reports included in the list have been published or developed by the U.S. Geological Survey, and contain listings of the computer programs, although in a few cases, the program is so long that a listing was not included in the report, but a copy of the program is available on request.

Note: Updates to the summary list of programs in USGS Circular 1104 (as of 8/29/2007) are available.

This report is available as:

  1. A PDF file of Circular 1104 (575 kb)
    Note: To read this report in pdf format, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader. It can be downloaded at:

  2. HTML pages of each section of the report (see below)

  3. A printed bound report available at no cost from:
    USGS Information Services (Map and Book Sales)
    Box 25286
    Denver Federal Center
    Denver, CO 80225
    Telephone: (303)202-4700 or 1-888-ASK-USGS
    Fax: (303)202-4693

Note: Many of the programs listed in USGS Circular 1104 are now available at A list of new computer codes released since publication of USGS Circular 1104 is also available on the USGS Ground-Water Information web site.



  • Table 1. Summary table of use of U.S. Geological Survey Models for simulation of ground-water flow and water quality in the U.S. Geological Survey operational program (as of late 1992)

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