Class TfrmSubdivide




type TfrmSubdivide = class(TfrmCustomGoPhast)


TfrmSubdivide is used in conjunction with TSubdivideGridTool to subdivide elements in TPhastGrid into multiple columns, rows, and layers.




Implicit btnCancel: TBitBtn;
Implicit btnHelp: TBitBtn;
Implicit btnOK: TBitBtn;
Implicit lblFromRow: TLabel;
Implicit lblRows: TLabel;
Implicit lblSubdivideRow: TLabel;
Implicit lblThroughRow: TLabel;
Implicit seRow1: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit seRow2: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit seRowCount: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit GroupBox1: TGroupBox;
Implicit lblFromCol: TLabel;
Implicit seCol1: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit lblThroughCol: TLabel;
Implicit seCol2: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit lblSubdivideCol: TLabel;
Implicit seColCount: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit lblColumns: TLabel;
Implicit GroupBox2: TGroupBox;
Implicit GroupBox3: TGroupBox;
Implicit lblFromLayer: TLabel;
Implicit seLayer1: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit lblThroughLayer: TLabel;
Implicit seLayer2: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit lblSubdivideLayer: TLabel;
Implicit seLayerCount: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit lblLayers: TLabel;
Private FGettingData: Boolean;


Implicit procedure btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); override;
Implicit procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); override;
Implicit procedure seCol1Changed(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure seCol2Changed(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure seLayer1Changed(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure seLayer2Changed(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure seRow1Changed(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure seRow2Changed(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
Private procedure SetData;
Public procedure GetData(const ACol, ARow, ALayer: integer);



Implicit btnCancel: TBitBtn;

Clicking btnCancel closes TfrmSubdivide without changing anything.

Implicit btnHelp: TBitBtn;

Clicking btnHelp displays help on TfrmSubdivide.

Implicit btnOK: TBitBtn;

See btnOKClick.

Implicit lblFromRow: TLabel;

lblFromRow displays "From &row".

Implicit lblRows: TLabel;

lblRows displays "rows".

Implicit lblSubdivideRow: TLabel;

lblSubdivideRow displays "subdivide each row into".

Implicit lblThroughRow: TLabel;

lblThroughRow displays "through row".

Implicit seRow1: TJvSpinEdit;

seRow1 specifies the first row to subdivide.

Implicit seRow2: TJvSpinEdit;

seRow2 specifies the first row to subdivide.

Implicit seRowCount: TJvSpinEdit;

seRowCount specifies how many rows each selected row will be divided into.

Implicit GroupBox1: TGroupBox;
Implicit lblFromCol: TLabel;
Implicit seCol1: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit lblThroughCol: TLabel;
Implicit seCol2: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit lblSubdivideCol: TLabel;
Implicit seColCount: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit lblColumns: TLabel;
Implicit GroupBox2: TGroupBox;
Implicit GroupBox3: TGroupBox;
Implicit lblFromLayer: TLabel;
Implicit seLayer1: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit lblThroughLayer: TLabel;
Implicit seLayer2: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit lblSubdivideLayer: TLabel;
Implicit seLayerCount: TJvSpinEdit;
Implicit lblLayers: TLabel;
Private FGettingData: Boolean;


Implicit procedure btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);

btnOKClick calls SetData.

Implicit procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); override;

FormCreate initializes TfrmSubdivide.

Implicit procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); override;

FormDestroy causes the view of the grid to be redrawn.

Implicit procedure seCol1Changed(Sender: TObject);

seCol1Changed updates SubdivideGridTool and causes the grid to be redrawn.

Implicit procedure seCol2Changed(Sender: TObject);

seCol2Changed updates SubdivideGridTool and causes the grid to be redrawn.

Implicit procedure seLayer1Changed(Sender: TObject);

seLayer1Changed updates SubdivideGridTool and causes the grid to be redrawn.

Implicit procedure seLayer2Changed(Sender: TObject);

seLayer2Changed updates SubdivideGridTool and causes the grid to be redrawn.

Implicit procedure seRow1Changed(Sender: TObject);

seRow1Changed updates SubdivideGridTool and causes the grid to be redrawn.

Implicit procedure seRow2Changed(Sender: TObject);

seRow2Changed updates SubdivideGridTool and causes the grid to be redrawn.

Implicit procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
Implicit procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
Private procedure SetData;

SetData subdivides the selected grid cells using a TUndoSubdivide.

Public procedure GetData(const ACol, ARow, ALayer: integer);

GetData gets the selected columns, rows, and layers to subdivide.

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:40