Class TNaturalNeighborInterpolator




type TNaturalNeighborInterpolator = class(TObject)


TNaturalNeighborInterpolator performs Natural Neighbor interpolation on a set of points.

Usage: The user must first determine the limits in the X and Y directions over which interpolation will be performed. Those limits are passed to the constructor along with the X and Y coordinates of the points used for interpolation and the values associated with those points. If the locations of the points defines the limits over which interpolation will be performed, the second overloaded version of Create can be used in which only the coordinates and the values are passed to the constructor. TNaturalNeighborInterpolator will determine the limits of the points and pass those to the first version of Create. Call Interpolate to find the interpolated value.

TNaturalNeighborInterpolator is slower than TNaturalNeighborInterpolatorTripack.




Private FVoronoiPolygons: TList;
Private FStartingPoints: array of integer;
Private FVoronoi: TVoronoiDiagram;
Private FValues: TFloatArray;
Private FQuadTree: TRbwQuadTree;


Private function GetGpcPolygon(DelaunayNodeIndex: integer): TGpcPolygonClass;
Private procedure SetTestPolygonGeometry(VertexPositions: TLongIntList; Vertices: TVertexList; var TestPolygon: TGpcPolygonClass);
Protected procedure FillVoronoiDiagram(const X, Y: TFloatArray; XHigh, XLow, YHigh, YLow: Extended); virtual;
Public constructor Create(const X, Y, Values: TFloatArray; XLow, YLow, XHigh, YHigh: real); overload;
Public constructor Create(const X, Y, Values: TFloatArray); overload;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public function Interpolate(const X, Y: double): double;


Protected property GpcPolygon[Index:integer]: TGpcPolygonClass read GetGpcPolygon;



Private FVoronoiPolygons: TList;
Private FStartingPoints: array of integer;
Private FVoronoi: TVoronoiDiagram;
Private FValues: TFloatArray;
Private FQuadTree: TRbwQuadTree;


Private function GetGpcPolygon(DelaunayNodeIndex: integer): TGpcPolygonClass;
Private procedure SetTestPolygonGeometry(VertexPositions: TLongIntList; Vertices: TVertexList; var TestPolygon: TGpcPolygonClass);
Protected procedure FillVoronoiDiagram(const X, Y: TFloatArray; XHigh, XLow, YHigh, YLow: Extended); virtual;
Public constructor Create(const X, Y, Values: TFloatArray; XLow, YLow, XHigh, YHigh: real); overload;
Public constructor Create(const X, Y, Values: TFloatArray); overload;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public function Interpolate(const X, Y: double): double;


Protected property GpcPolygon[Index:integer]: TGpcPolygonClass read GetGpcPolygon;

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:54