Class TValueCell




type TValueCell = class(TObject)





Private FIFace: TIface;
Private FScreenObject: TObject;


Private procedure SetScreenObject(const Value: TObject);
Protected function GetColumn: integer; virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetLayer: integer; virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetRow: integer; virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure SetColumn(const Value: integer); virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure SetLayer(const Value: integer); virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure SetRow(const Value: integer); virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetIntegerValue(Index: integer; AModel: TBaseModel): integer; virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetRealValue(Index: integer; AModel: TBaseModel): double; virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetRealAnnotation(Index: integer; AModel: TBaseModel): string; virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetIntegerAnnotation(Index: integer; AModel: TBaseModel): string; virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure Cache(Comp: TCompressionStream; Strings: TStringList); virtual;
Protected procedure Restore(Decomp: TDecompressionStream; Annotations: TStringList); virtual;
Protected function GetSection: integer; virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure RecordStrings(Strings: TStringList); virtual; abstract;
Public Constructor Create; virtual;
Public function IsIdentical(AnotherCell: TValueCell): boolean; virtual;
Public function AreRealValuesIdentical(AnotherCell: TValueCell; DataIndex: integer): boolean;
Public function AreIntegerValuesIdentical(AnotherCell: TValueCell; DataIndex: integer): boolean;


Public property Layer: integer read GetLayer write SetLayer;
Public property Row: integer read GetRow write SetRow;
Public property Column: integer read GetColumn write SetColumn;
Public property IntegerValue[Index:integer;AModel:TBaseModel]: integer read GetIntegerValue;
Public property RealValue[Index:integer;AModel:TBaseModel]: double read GetRealValue;
Public property RealAnnotation[Index:integer;AModel:TBaseModel]: string read GetRealAnnotation;
Public property IntegerAnnotation[Index:integer;AModel:TBaseModel]: string read GetIntegerAnnotation;
Public property IFace: TIface read FIFace write FIFace;
Public property ScreenObject: TObject read FScreenObject write SetScreenObject;
Public property Section: integer read GetSection;



Private FIFace: TIface;
Private FScreenObject: TObject;


Private procedure SetScreenObject(const Value: TObject);
Protected function GetColumn: integer; virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetLayer: integer; virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetRow: integer; virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure SetColumn(const Value: integer); virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure SetLayer(const Value: integer); virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure SetRow(const Value: integer); virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetIntegerValue(Index: integer; AModel: TBaseModel): integer; virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetRealValue(Index: integer; AModel: TBaseModel): double; virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetRealAnnotation(Index: integer; AModel: TBaseModel): string; virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetIntegerAnnotation(Index: integer; AModel: TBaseModel): string; virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure Cache(Comp: TCompressionStream; Strings: TStringList); virtual;
Protected procedure Restore(Decomp: TDecompressionStream; Annotations: TStringList); virtual;
Protected function GetSection: integer; virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure RecordStrings(Strings: TStringList); virtual; abstract;
Public Constructor Create; virtual;
Public function IsIdentical(AnotherCell: TValueCell): boolean; virtual;
Public function AreRealValuesIdentical(AnotherCell: TValueCell; DataIndex: integer): boolean;
Public function AreIntegerValuesIdentical(AnotherCell: TValueCell; DataIndex: integer): boolean;


Public property Layer: integer read GetLayer write SetLayer;

Layer is the layer number for this cell. Valid values range from 0 to the number of layers in the grid minus 1.

Public property Row: integer read GetRow write SetRow;

Row is the row number for this cell. Valid values range from 0 to the number of rows in the grid minus 1.

Public property Column: integer read GetColumn write SetColumn;

Column is the column number for this cell. Valid values range from 0 to the number of columns in the grid minus 1.

Public property IntegerValue[Index:integer;AModel:TBaseModel]: integer read GetIntegerValue;
Public property RealValue[Index:integer;AModel:TBaseModel]: double read GetRealValue;
Public property RealAnnotation[Index:integer;AModel:TBaseModel]: string read GetRealAnnotation;
Public property IntegerAnnotation[Index:integer;AModel:TBaseModel]: string read GetIntegerAnnotation;
Public property IFace: TIface read FIFace write FIFace;
Public property ScreenObject: TObject read FScreenObject write SetScreenObject;

ScreenObject is the TScreenObject used to assign this TValueCell. ScreenObject is assigned in AssignCells. ScreenObject is only assigned for boundary conditions that have observations associated with them. (Drains, General head boundaries, Rivers, and constant head cells.).

Public property Section: integer read GetSection;

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