Unit GIS_Functions

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


GIS_Functions defines GIS functions that can be used with a TRbwParser from within GoPhast.

Some of the functions require access to global variables. Most of these are set through "Update" procedures but one (GlobalEvaluatedAt) is declared in the interface section.

For a list of the functions, see the User's Guide.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TActiveOnLayer  
Class TSpecifiedHeadOnLayer  
Class TBcfVcont  
Class TCustomHufExpression  
Class THufKx  
Class THufKy  
Class THufKz  
Class THufSS  
Class THufSY  
Class THufSYTP  

Functions and Procedures

procedure AddGIS_Functions(const Parser: TRbwParser; ModelSelection: TModelSelection; EvalAt: TEvaluatedAt);
procedure UpdateCurrentModel(const AModel: TBaseModel);
procedure UpdateGlobalLocations(const Col, Row, Layer: integer; const EvaluatedAt: TEvaluatedAt; Model: TBaseModel);
procedure UpdateCurrentScreenObject(const AScreenObject: TScreenObject);
procedure UpdateCurrentSegment(const ASegment: TCellElementSegment);
procedure UpdateCurrentSection(const SectionIndex: integer);
function GetColumnWidth(Column: Integer): Double;
function GetRowWidth(Row: Integer): Double;
function GetLayerHeight(Col, Row, Lay: Integer): Double;
function GetLayerPosition(const Lay, Row, Col: Integer; var InvalidIndex: boolean): Double;
function GetLayerCenter(const Lay, Row, Col: integer): double;


rsListRealValue = 'ListRealValue';
rsListIntegerValue = 'ListIntegerValue';
rsObjectImportedValuesR = 'ObjectImportedValuesR';
rsObjectImportedValuesI = 'ObjectImportedValuesI';
rsObjectImportedValuesB = 'ObjectImportedValuesB';
rsObjectImportedValuesT = 'ObjectImportedValuesT';
StrImportedHigherElev = 'Imported Higher Elevations';
StrImportedLowerEleva = 'Imported Lower Elevations';
StrImportedElevations = 'Imported Elevations';
StrHufKx = 'GetHufKx';
StrHufKy = 'GetHufKy';
StrHufKz = 'GetHuf_Interlayer_Kz';
StrHufSs = 'GetHufSs';
StrHufAverageSy = 'GetHuf_Average_Sy';
StrHufSy = 'GetHufSy';
StrHufSytp = 'GetHufSytp';
StrLayerHeight = 'LayerHeight';
StrInterpolatedVertexValues = 'InterpolatedVertexValue';
StrVertexInterpolate = 'VertexInterpolate';
StrNodeInterpolate = 'NodeInterpolate';
StrGridNumber = 'GridNumber';
StrGridName = 'GridName';
StrParentLayer = 'ParentLayer';
StrParentRow = 'ParentRow';
StrParentColumn = 'ParentColumn';
ObjectCurrentSegmentAngle = 'ObjectCurrentSegmentAngle';
ObjectDegrees = 'ObjectCurrentSegmentAngleDegrees';
ObjectDegreesLimited = 'ObjectCurrentSegmentAngleLimitedDegrees';
ObjectCurSegLength = 'ObjectCurrentSegmentLength';
ObjectCurrentVertexX = 'ObjectCurrentVertexX';
ObjectCurrentVertexY = 'ObjectCurrentVertexY';
ObjectCurrentVertexZ = 'ObjectCurrentVertexZ';


GlobalEvaluatedAt: TEvaluatedAt;


Functions and Procedures

procedure AddGIS_Functions(const Parser: TRbwParser; ModelSelection: TModelSelection; EvalAt: TEvaluatedAt);

AddGIS_Functions adds a series of (mostly) GIS function to Parser. The functions are defined in the initialization section. In addition, several descendants of TSelectExpression or TExpression are defined in the implementation section and added to RbwParser.SpecialImplentorList.

is the TRbwParser to which the GIS functions will be added.
procedure UpdateCurrentModel(const AModel: TBaseModel);
procedure UpdateGlobalLocations(const Col, Row, Layer: integer; const EvaluatedAt: TEvaluatedAt; Model: TBaseModel);

UpdateGlobalLocations updates a series of global values related to location.

procedure UpdateCurrentScreenObject(const AScreenObject: TScreenObject);

UpdateCurrentScreenObject stores AScreenObject in a global variable and resets the global variable for TCellElementSegment to nil.

procedure UpdateCurrentSegment(const ASegment: TCellElementSegment);

UpdateCurrentSegment stores ASegment in a global variable and also calls UpdateCurrentSection.

procedure UpdateCurrentSection(const SectionIndex: integer);

UpdateCurrentSection stores SectionIndex in a global variable.

function GetColumnWidth(Column: Integer): Double;
function GetRowWidth(Row: Integer): Double;
function GetLayerHeight(Col, Row, Lay: Integer): Double;
function GetLayerPosition(const Lay, Row, Col: Integer; var InvalidIndex: boolean): Double;
function GetLayerCenter(const Lay, Row, Col: integer): double;


rsListRealValue = 'ListRealValue';

rsListRealValue is the name of a function added in AddGIS_Functions.

rsListIntegerValue = 'ListIntegerValue';

rsListIntegerValue is the name of a function added in AddGIS_Functions.

rsObjectImportedValuesR = 'ObjectImportedValuesR';
rsObjectImportedValuesI = 'ObjectImportedValuesI';
rsObjectImportedValuesB = 'ObjectImportedValuesB';
rsObjectImportedValuesT = 'ObjectImportedValuesT';
StrImportedHigherElev = 'Imported Higher Elevations';
StrImportedLowerEleva = 'Imported Lower Elevations';
StrImportedElevations = 'Imported Elevations';
StrHufKx = 'GetHufKx';
StrHufKy = 'GetHufKy';
StrHufKz = 'GetHuf_Interlayer_Kz';
StrHufSs = 'GetHufSs';
StrHufAverageSy = 'GetHuf_Average_Sy';
StrHufSy = 'GetHufSy';
StrHufSytp = 'GetHufSytp';
StrLayerHeight = 'LayerHeight';
StrInterpolatedVertexValues = 'InterpolatedVertexValue';
StrVertexInterpolate = 'VertexInterpolate';
StrNodeInterpolate = 'NodeInterpolate';
StrGridNumber = 'GridNumber';
StrGridName = 'GridName';
StrParentLayer = 'ParentLayer';
StrParentRow = 'ParentRow';
StrParentColumn = 'ParentColumn';
ObjectCurrentSegmentAngle = 'ObjectCurrentSegmentAngle';
ObjectDegrees = 'ObjectCurrentSegmentAngleDegrees';
ObjectDegreesLimited = 'ObjectCurrentSegmentAngleLimitedDegrees';
ObjectCurSegLength = 'ObjectCurrentSegmentLength';
ObjectCurrentVertexX = 'ObjectCurrentVertexX';
ObjectCurrentVertexY = 'ObjectCurrentVertexY';
ObjectCurrentVertexZ = 'ObjectCurrentVertexZ';


GlobalEvaluatedAt: TEvaluatedAt;

GlobalEvaluatedAt is the TEvaluatedAt of the current context. This should probably be defined in the implementation section.

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:41