README.TXT Extractor - Version: 1.00 03/04/2005 MODFLOW Data Extractor Program NOTE: Any use of trade, product or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. This version of Extractor is packaged for personal computers using Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, or XP. Instructions for installation and execution, are provided below. TABLE OF CONTENTS A. DISTRIBUTION FILE B. EXTRACTING FILES C. COMPILING D. INSTALLING E. RUNNING THE SOFTWARE A. DISTRIBUTION FILE The following distribution file is for use on personal computers: The distribution file contains: Compiled runfiles and source code for Extractor. Documentation B. EXTRACTING FILES The distribution file is a zip file. The zip file must be unzipped using a utility that preserves long filenames, such as PKZIP for Windows. A shareware version of PKZIP for Windows is available from PKWARE. References to commercial vendors of software products or services are provided solely for the convenience of users when obtaining or using USGS software. Such references do not imply any endorsement by the U.S. Government. The following directory structure is preserved in the zipf file Extractor Extractor/bin ; compiled executables Extractor/doc ; documentation files Extractor/src ; source code It is recommended that no user files are kept in the Extractor directory structure. If you do plan to put files in the Extractor directory structure, do so only by creating subdirectories. Included in directory Extractor\doc is the documentation file. It is a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. PDF files are readable and printable on various computer platforms using Acrobat Reader from Adobe. The Acrobat Reader is freely available from the following World Wide Web sites: C. COMPILING Although executable versions of the programs are provided, the source code is provided in the Extractor\src directory so that the programs can be recompiled if necessary. However, no support can be provided for users generating their own versions of the software. In general, the requirements for compiling Extractor are a Fortran compiler and the knowledge of using the compiler. The Fortran source-code files must be compiled with a Fortran (90 or 95) compiler. D. INSTALLING To make the executable versions of the programs accessible from any directory, the directory containing the executables (Extractor\bin) should be included in the PATH environment variable. As an alternative, all of the files in the Extractor\bin directory can be copied into a directory already included in the PATH environment variable. How to add to the PATH environment variable On Windows9x and Windows ME systems, add the following line to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file: PATH=%PATH%;C:\WRDAPP\Extractor\bin Note, reboot your system after modifying AUTOEXEC.BAT. On Windows NT systems, from the Start menu, select Settings and then Control Panel. Double-click System and select the Environment tab. To add a new user variable, enter "PATH" in the Variable field and enter %PATH%;C:\WRDAPP\Extractor\bin in the Value field. Click Set and then click OK. If a PATH user variable already is defined, click on it in the User Variables pane, add ";C:\WRDAPP\Extractor\bin" to its definition in the Value field, and click OK. Initiate and use a new MS-DOS Command Prompt window after making this change. On Windows 2000 or XP systems, from the Start menu, select Settings and then Control Panel. Double-click System and select the Advanced tab. Click on Environment Variables. If a PATH user variable already is defined, click on it in the User Variables pane, then click Edit. In the Edit User Variable window, add ";C:\WRDAPP\Extractor\bin" to the end of the Variable Value (ensure that the current contents of the User Value are not deleted) and click OK. If a PATH user variable is not already defined, in the User variables pane of the Environment Variables window, click New. In the New User Variable window, define a new variable PATH as shown above. Click OK. Click OK in the Environment Variables window and again in the System Properties window. Initiate and use a new MS-DOS Command Prompt window. E. RUNNING THE SOFTWARE After the file in the Extractor\bin directory is installed in a directory that is included in your PATH, the program is initiated in a DOS Command-Prompt window using the command: Extractor The program can also be started by double-clicking on it in Windows Explorer.