File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 BMI_interface.F90BMIPhreeqcRM module definition
 BMIPhreeqcRM.hC++ header file for BMIPhreeqcRM
 IrmResult.hEnumeration used to return error codes
 PhreeqcRM.hC++ header file for PhreeqcRM. PhreeqcRM is deprecated and included for backward compatibility. Use BMIPhreeqcRM instead; all PhreeqcRM methods are included in the BMIPhreeqcRM class
 RM_interface.F90PhreeqcRM module definition. PhreeqcRM is deprecated and included for backward compatibility. Use BMIPhreeqcRM instead; all PhreeqcRM methods are included in the BMIPhreeqcRM module
 RM_interface_C.hC header file for module BMIPhreeqcRM. RM_BmiCreate creates a module with access to all BMI methods. For backward compatibility, the deprecated method RM_Create creates an old-style PhreeqcRM instance, which does not have access to BMI methods
 YAML_interface.F90YAMLPhreeqcRM module definition
 YAML_interface_C.hC header file for YAMLPhreeqcRM
 YAMLPhreeqcRM.hC++ header file for YAMLPhreeqcRM