Data Types List
Here are the data types with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 MBMIPhreeqcRMFortran documentation for the geochemical reaction module BMIPhreeqcRM
 Cbmibmif_create Creates a BMIPhreeqcRM instance
 MYAMLPhreeqcRMFortran documentation for using YAML to initialize instances of BMIPhreeqcRM and PhreeqcRM
 CBMIPhreeqcRMBasic Model Interface implementation of the geochemical reaction module PhreeqcRM
 CNotImplementedThrows an exception for Basic Model Interface methods that are not implemented in BMIPhreeqcRM
 CPhreeqcRMGeochemical reaction module
 CPhreeqcRMStopThis class is derived from std::exception and is thrown when an unrecoverable error has occurred
 CYAMLPhreeqcRMYAML helper class
 CYAMLPhreeqcRMLibClass to implement multiple instances of YAMLPhreeqcRM