ModelMuse – Version NOTE: Any use of trade, product or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. This software has been approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although the software has been subjected to rigorous review, the USGS reserves the right to update the software as needed pursuant to further analysis and review. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS or the U.S. Government as to the functionality of the software and related material nor shall the fact of release constitute any such warranty. Furthermore, the software is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use. This version of ModelMuse is packaged for personal computers using the Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 8.1, or 10 operating systems. Executable files for personal computers are provided as well as the source code. Although not a supported operating system, some users have reported success on using ModelMuse on MacIntosh computers under WINE. Instructions for installation, execution, and compiling are provided below. TABLE OF CONTENTS A. DISTRIBUTION FILE B. INSTALLING C. EXECUTING THE SOFTWARE D. EXAMPLES E. COMPILING A. DISTRIBUTION FILES ModelMuse is distributed as either an installer or a zip file. Either version may be used for installing ModelMuse. Both contain the same version of ModelMuse for use on personal computers: For 32 or 64-bit operating systems: ModelMuseSetup32_4_1.exe For 64-bit operating systems: ModelMuseSetup64_4_1.exe Both distribution files contain: Compiled runfiles for ModelMuse, ModelMonitor, and MF2005_Importer.exe. ModelMuse documentation in PDF files. Example models Supplementary materials The file contains the source code for ModelMuse, ModelMonitor, and MF2005_Importer.exe. B. INSTALLING The recommended method of installing ModelMuse is to run one of the installers. Execution of the installer will install ModelMuse in a directory chosen by the user. If no previous version of ModelMuse is installed, the default installation directory will be C:\Program Files\USGS\ModelMuse4 or C:\Program Files (x86)\USGS\ModelMuse4. If a previous version of ModelMuse is installed, the default installation directory will be the directory for the previous version of ModelMuse. The installer will associate files with the extensions .gpt, .gpb, and .mmZlib with ModelMuse. The following directory structure will be created in the installation directory: |--ModelMuse4 | |--bin ; ModelMuse, ModelMonitor, and MF2005_Importer | | executables. | |--doc ; Documentation files ModelMuse will also create a subdirectory of the "Public Documents" directory named "ModelMuse Examples" containing sample models and data. | |--data ; Data files and example models described in the | | documentation or the ModelMuse help. | |--examples ; Sample models. Included in the ModelMuse4\doc directory are the reports on ModelMuse as Portable Document Format (PDF) files. The PDF files are readable and printable on various computer platforms using Acrobat Reader from Adobe. The Acrobat Reader is freely available from the following World Wide Web site: The zip files contain the same files in the same directory structure. To install it, unzip the file retaining the directory structure of the zip file. Unlike the installer, unzipping the files from a zip file will not associate ModelMuse project files with extensions .gpt, .gpb, or .mmZLib with ModelMuse. This can be done manually. The manual method used to associate ModelMuse project files with ModelMuse varies among the various Windows operating systems. Consult your operating system help for more details. Searching the operating system help for "To associate a file name extension with a file type" may give the required information. C. EXECUTING THE SOFTWARE There are several ways to execute the software. 1. Double click on it in Windows Exporer. 2. Double-click on the desktop short cut for ModelMuse that is optionally created by the installer. 3. Double click on a file with one of the extensions associated with ModelMuse (.gpt, gpb, mmZlib). D. EXAMPLES Several example models are included in the "ModelMuse Examples\examples" folder under Public Documents. Many of the ones for PHAST reproduce sample models distributed with PHAST or described in the ModelMuse help. Most of the ones for MODFLOW are described in the ModelMuse help. Data files used in the examples described in the ModelMuse documentation or help are in the "ModelMuse Examples\data" folder. E. COMPILING The 32 and 64-bit version of ModelMuse and ModelMonitor are compiled with Delphi 10.2 from Embarcadero. The 32-bit version can also be compiled using the free community edition of Delphi 10.3.1 from Embarcadero. The help system for ModelMuse is compiled with Help and Manual version 5 from EC Software. MF2005_Importer is compiled with the Intel Fortran compiler. ModelMuse uses a number of custom components that must be installed in Delphi 10.2 before compiling ModelMuse. Some are included with the ModelMuse source code. Additional required files or components are listed below. In some cases, the files must be altered before they can be used with ModelMuse. The required changes are listed below. General instructions for installing packages in Delphi 10.2 and the Delphi Community Edition. 1. If the component can be installed with the "Tools|GetIt Package Manager", do so. 2. If the component comes with an installer, run the installer. 3. If you are compiling the components from source code, you need to add the directories containing the source code to the Library path for both the Windows 32 and Windows 64 bit platforms. Select "Tools|Options" then look in "Environment Options|Delphi Options|Library". 4. If you are compiling the components from source code and the components are separated into run-time and design-time packages, you build the runtime package and then build and install the design-time package. Install JCL and JVCL They can be obtained from Add the following JCL directories to the Library path if they are not added automatically when installing the JCL. source\common source\windows JVCL Version 3.50 was used in compiling ModelMuse. Installing Graphics32 Download version graphics32-1-9-1 of Graphics32. See also A more recent version of Graphics32 is available but was not used in ModelMuse. Make the following changes in Graphics32. Comment out MouseUp(mbLeft, [], 0, 0); in TCustomImage32.DblClick in GR32_Image.pas. Add the following lines to near the beginning. {$IFDEF CONDITIONALEXPRESSIONS} {$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} {$DEFINE COMPILERXE2} {$IFNDEF BCB} {$DEFINE DELPHIXE1} {$DEFINE DELPHIXE2} {$ELSE} {$DEFINE BCB7} {$ENDIF} {$IFEND} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER320} {$DEFINE COMPILERXE5} {$IFNDEF BCB} {$DEFINE DELPHIXE5} {$ELSE} {$DEFINE BCBXE5} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} in GR32.pas locate TCustomBitmap32.LineXS. In it change if n > 0 then to if (n > 0) and (hyp <> 0) then Build the runtime package first. Then install the design time package. To compile the design-time package, you may need to edit the search path for the design time Project (Project|Options|Delphi compiler|Search path) so that it includes the dcp and/or bpl output directories. For example: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\DCP;C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\Bpl Installing GLScene For compiling with Delphi 10.2, use GLScene_v1.6. This version of GLScene comes as an installer. It copies files to the hard drive but do not neccesarily install the components in the the DELPHI IDE. Graphics 32 support must be added by modifying so make the required change. This is done by changing {.$DEFINE USE_GRAPHICS32} to {$DEFINE USE_GRAPHICS32} In the file GLScene.Pas, locate TGLLightSource.Create. In it, replace FListHandle := nil; with FreeAndNil(FListHandle); This change fixes a memory leak. Open and read the readme.txt file in the top level directory of GLScene. It directs you to a pdf on installing GLScene. Follow those instructions. The portions of the instructions related to C++ do not apply if GLScene is only being installed in Delphi. If asked whether to add the Graphics 32 to the project, select yes. Get and install VirtualTreeView version 6.6 or later. It can also be installed via the Delphi Get It package manager. MadExcept version 4 or later must be installed. It can be obtained from TurboPower Abbrevia Deactivate UnzipZipxSupport in TurboPower Abbervia is also available through the GetIt Package Manager in Delphi 10.2 The Components directory has additional components that need to be installed. They are in the following subdirectories of the Components directory. addbtn95 ade ButtonEdit datagrid GLWidget MMJLabel ModelCube QMostRecentlyUsedFiles Quadtree QZoomBox2 RbwController RbwDataGrid RbwDynamicCursor RbwEdit RbwParser RbwRollupPanel RbwRuler xbase The GraphicEX and xygraph directories do not have packages but they need to be added to the search path.