release.txt MT3D-USGS Release Notes This file describes changes introduced into MT3D-USGS with each official release; these changes may substantially affect users. Executable files for personal computers are provided as well as the source code at the DOI: MT3D-USGS Files: Up-to-date descriptions of the input requirements for all MT3D-USGS Packages and Processes are provided in input_instructions.pdf distributed with MT3D-USGS, available in the doc directory. NOTE: This software has been approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although the software has been subjected to rigorous review, the USGS reserves the right to update the software as needed pursuant to further analysis and review. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS or the U.S. Government as to the functionality of the software and related material nor shall the fact of release constitute any such warranty. Furthermore, the software is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use. o Version 1.1.0 06/28/2019: ------------------------- New functionality available with 1.1.0 includes support for simulating transport with MODFLOW 6-generated flow-transport link files. The new functionality works with native MODFLOW 6 output and does not require a dedicated package (i.e., "LMT") to create an MT3D-USGS ready flow-transport link file. New source code files required for compiling MT3D-USGS ver 1.1.0 include: - fmi1mf6.f - mf6bud.f90 - mf6grb.f90 Functionality included in mf6bud.f90 and mf6grb.f90 comes directly from MODFLOW 6 source files with some minor modification. Please refer to the section titled "Notes on FT6 Option Starting with Version 1.1.0" in the input instructions document contained with the 'doc' folder of the distribution files for further instruction regarding the model input changes required to take advantage of this functionality. Bug Fixes: - Fixed floating-invalid error in SSM1OT (ssm1.f) - Fixed wrongful reporting of mass lost to ET when the DRYCELL keyword is used in BTN. Occured when user specified non-zero value of CINACT Other: - Added a comment to reflect that the ICBCSF flag is currently inactive in sft1.f - Time interpolation added for TVD in adv1.f - Changes to the github auto-testing framework suggested by Mike Toews were adopted. Documentation: - Added new section to the input instructions describing how to invoke reading of MODFLOW 6-generated link files for simulating transport with a structed MODFLOW 6 grid. - Minor clean-up of LKT input instructions - Corrected mis-statement in LMT8.pdf regarding how the LMT package should be activated in the MODLFOW name file o Version 1.0.1 02/28/2019: ------------------------- No new functionality added in 1.0.1. Code changes primarily reflect bug fixes found by users and by the developers. The most significant change users will notice is that the keyword "UZT" is no longer supported in the MT3D-USGS name file. Instead, users are now required to use "UZT2" in place of "UZT". The removal of two 3D arrays from the UZT input file, starting water content and starting saturated thickness, have resulted in this change. These two quantities are now back-calculated based on values passed via the linker file, alleviating the need to calculate them prior to running MT3D-USGS. Because this change does not facilitate backward compatibility, the "UZT2" requirement ensures that the user is made aware of this change so that appropriate adjustments are made to the UZT input (i.e., the starting water content and starting saturated thickness are removed from the UZT input file). Bug Fixes: - Removed IATS variable from list of variables at the beginning of BTN input file - Increased the fix-format write of HSS from I4 to I6 in HSS package - Cycle in UZT routine when IUZFBND = 0 (inactive) - Fixed format statement when reading SFT terms from linker file - Added the steady-state flag variable (iSSTrans) to dual domain problems - Cleaned-up various typos written to output files - Cleaned-up various typos contained within source code comments - Added check for negative cell thicknesses in BTN - Code added to ADV for handling the condition when solute from dry cell enters a constant concentration boundary. This fix also requiured appropriate terms be added to the budget summary - Variable THETAW was not primed with appropriate values in RCT when ISOTHM=1 - Fixed bug related to the refilling of IA/JA arrays for SFT calculation for each flow step - Fixed bug that didn't properly account for mass leaving the groundwater system as discharge to land surface - Fixed bug that mishandled the case when using UZT as a boundary condition to the groundwater system (i.e., no routing of solute through the unsaturated zone) - Tidied up variable declarations in ADV for streamlined calls to CFACE and SADV1U - Reversed the order of some DO loops in GCG to work with Fortran's row-major array ordering - Fixed 2 instances of where DELR(I) shoudl be DELR(J) in adv pertaining to the CMAS2 calculation - Fixed bug related to specified mass-loading sources for when the saturated thickness gets small and results in really large QSS terms owing to QSS = 1/VOLAQU - Fixed bug that misread IREACTION variable in RCT and lead to the miscalculation of retardation when using a linear isotherm - Added the ability to handle multi-species in SFT. Added species (ICOMP) index to CNEWSF variable - Fixed bug that was using the wrong reader in UZT1AR(), switched out U2DINT with IARRAY reader - Fixed bug in zeroth-order decay calculations leading to negative concentrations - Fixed bug in UZT that was using the wrong porosity value when TVD active, added some associated checks to code - Fixed bug in FMI and SSM related to proper initialization of UZT- related terms - Fixed bug that failed to enforce the activation of SSM if only using SFT, LKT, and/or UZT. Code exits with appropriate error message if SSM isn't turned on and 1 or more these package are all that is active - Fixed a bug related to compound "if" statements in SSM. Broke compound if statement in to 2, or nested, if statements. - Fixed a bug that improperly reset constant concentration boundary condition in SSM - Fixed a bug that resulted in the mis-calculation of the mass balance when TVD and adsorption were both being used - Initialize velocity component array - Fix format label mismatches in adv1.f and ssm1.f Other: - Altered default threshold for checking if a cell is dry in CTS package. Threshold changed from 1e-5 to 1e-8 - Added "implicit none" to GCG function - Split UZT to SFT stream budget terms in standard output file. This transfer of mass between packages now differentiates "GW Discharge" from "Rejected Recharge" - In ADV, changed 2 common block variables related to MOC option to module calls - Removed IREACT=90, 91 from RCT; these were part of legacy code needed for first version of MT3D-USGS - no longer needed - Switched from implicit to explicit variable assignment of water content in UZT - Added auto-detection of single vs double precision in FMI that does not require the use of external library dependencies. Previous commits attempted to use IFLPORT library that crashed gfortran compilers - Removed specification of starting water content and saturated thickness arrays from the UZT input file. It is possilbe to back calculate these values from the change in storage and thicksat arrays passed in the linker file. Code now requires use of UZT2 in name file to prevent users from mistakenly proceeding with these arrays present - Ensure fixed-width source is <= 72 chars Documentation: - Documention of IUZFBND more clearly states what's expected - Various typos - When IUZFBND < 0, UZF terms are handled by SSM as a boundary condition Made an entry in SSM for this condition - Cleaned up input instructions for LKT o Version 1.0.0 09/30/2016: ------------------------ MT3D-USGS version 1.0.0 is built upon MT3DMS version 5.3 and includes many new capabilities described in the manual available found in the doc directory.