release_GWM-2005.txt GWM-2005 Release Notes This file describes changes introduced into GWM-2005 with each official release. Version 1.5.2; 11 September 2015 The procedure within GWM_SUBS used to write unique base-36 numbers for internal identification of dependents was modified to write 3 digit base-36 numbers rather than 2 digits numbers. This change is relevant to GWM-VI but not GWM-2005. A feature was added to allow repeat lines for reading the list of stress periods over which a flow-rate or external decision variable applies, as read by the DECVAR file. The list of stress periods can now extend over multiple lines; the character '&' at the end of an input line (with no preceeding space) instructs GWM to read the following line as a continuation of the list. A new variable in GWM1STA3 holds the total number of state variables so that the repeated calculation of this total can be avoided. Development Note: In August 2015, GWM files were moved to a new repository environment. At this time the date stamp on all files was changed to 8/22/2015. Version 1.5.1; 12 August 2014 Add MODULE GWM_SUBS in file GWM_subs.f90 which contains utility routines used by GWM-2005 including IGETUNIT, URWORD2, FUZZY_EQUALS Add MODULE MF2005_UTLS in file mf2005_utls.f90 which contains INTERFACE statements for MODFLOW utilities that are used by GWM. Add MODULE GWM_STOP in file gwm2005_stop.f90 which contains subroutine GSTOP for stopping an aborted run. Modify gwm1dcv3mnw.for to add the writing of AUX variables for MNW-type flow variables for use by GWM-VI. These have no impact on GWM-2005. Version 1.5.0; 24 September 2013 Add derived-type data structure for storage of MNW-type decision-variable information to GWM1DCV3. Modify GWM1DCV3AR to read and echo MNW- type decision-variable information. Add MODULE GWM1DCV3MNW, in file gwm1dcv3mnw.for, which defines storage for unmanaged MNW wells, reads the original MNW2 input file and creates the combined MNW2 input file with both managed and unmanaged wells. Change line on volumetric budget from 'Managed Flow' to 'Managed Wells.' Modify GWM1STA3AR and GWM1STA3OS to read, echo, and process head state variables at MNW wells. Modify GWM1HDC3AR and GWM1HDC3OS to read, echo, and process head constraints at MNW wells. Modify GWM1RMS3OS to check the head in the well of an MNW-type decision variable for dewatering. Add subroutine GWF2DCV3RP to GWM1DCV3.for; this writes to the listing file the stresses applied to each cell in each stress period by the GWM decision variables. Make changes in anticipation of future versions of GWM including: Move FUNCTION IGETUNIT from GWM1BAS3SUBS.for to GWM1BAS3.for and replace INTERFACE references to IGETUNIT to USE references. Improve code flags in GWM1RMS3OT. Convert flow variable storage arrays to derived type to eliminate need to compute NCMAX. Version 1.4.2; 25 March 2013 Implement stream leakage constraints in GWM1STC3.for and stream leakage state variables in GWM1STA3.for. Instructions for input of leakage constraints and state variables are in file 'Input_instructions_v1.4.2.pdf' in the doc subdirectory. Minor output improvement: When FSTAT is set to N, FVMAX is forced to the square root of machine epsilon. At output the value of the decision variable with FSTAT = N is reset to zero in SGWM1RMS3AP. Version 1.4.1; 20 June 2012 Correct bug that limits the number of coefficients that can be applied to a state variable. Executable compiled with 'maximize speed' option. Version 1.4.0; 2 April 2012 Addition of drains to state variable choices in GWM1STA3; major reorganization of GWM1STA3OS and subsidiary routines. The use of drains as state variables is described in the file 'Drains.pdf' in the doc subdirectory. Conversion to single precision is eliminated for objective function coefficients and assignment of rates for flow-rate decision variables. Make changes in anticipation of future versions of GWM including: make DEPVAL and optional argument in call statements, replace calls to USTOP with calls to GSTOP, add module for GSTOP to GWM1BAS3. Added a current, complete set of input instructions for files used by GWM-2005. See file 'Input_instructions_v1.4.0.pdf' in the doc subdirectory. Version 1.3.1; 30 May 2011 Correct bugs in GWM1DCV3AR; incorrect reading of binary variable input data when binary variables are present on multiple grids, error during input echo of list of external variables associated with a binary variable. Correct bug in GWM1DCC3FM that caused error in calculation of the sum of upper bounds of associated variables when one of the associated variables is an external variable. This could have caused improper calculation of the constraint on binary variables that they take the value of one if any of their associated variables are active. Correct bug in GWM1RMS3OT that caused an output error in the file created when the GWMWFILE item is actived in the DECVAR file. The error only affects cases when NC is greater than one. Add output feature to GWM1RMS3OT so that state variable status is printed after completion of base run along with constraint status. Added a new solution type to the Solution and Output-Control Parameters (SOLN) File. The new solution type allows the user to do a forward run of GWM with user-specified values of the flow-rate decision variables. Such a run can be useful for evaluating how small changes in the values of the flow-rate decision variables affect the value of the objective function and simulation-based constraints. To use this option, input variable SOLNTYP must be specified to be FR. The user must then specify a value of IBASE in record 6 of the SOLN file. IBASE can be set to a value of 0, in which case the flow-rate decision variables are specified with variable FVREF in the VARCON file, or a value of 1, in which case they are specified with variable FVBASE in record 6b of the SOLN file. GWM will use the specified flow rates in a forward run of the MODFLOW Groundwater Flow (GWF) Process. As with all other SOLNTYP options, if IBASE is set to a value of 1 and either drawdown or stream depletion constraints are included in the formulation, then both a reference and a base run for the GWF Process will be conducted. The value of the objective function that is reported for the run will include only the flow-rate decision variable and state-variable portions of the objective function; the external-variable and binary-variable portions of the objective function will be set to zero for the computation. GWM will also write the simulated value of each state variable and the status of the simulation-based constraints in a format that is equivalent to the output of a base-condition flow simulation. Any external variables or binary variables that appear in constraints will be assigned a value of zero. GWM will then stop, without calculating a response matrix or solving an optimization formulation. An example use of the FR option is provided for the DEWATER sample problem. The sample problem uses the NAME file ‘,’ the GWM file ‘,’ and the SOLN file ‘’ located in the \data\DEWATER subdirectory. To run the sample problem, double click on the ‘’ batch file located in the \test-win subdirectory. The output files ‘’ and ‘’ will be created in the \test-win directory by GWM. Changes to accommodate the new forward run only option (SOLNTYP = FR): In GWM1RMS3AR, look for FR as an option for SOLNTYP. In SGWM1RMS3PP, write a different output header for the case of SOLNTYP = FR. Add a call to FR header. Add a check before perturbations begin that terminates if SOLNTYP = FR and writes a message. In GWM1OBJ3OT2, create new subroutine which computes the flow and state variable portions of the objective function. Version 1.3.0; 7 March 2011 Update GWM-2005 with State Variables Package (Ahlfeld and others, 2011). Also made small adjustments to the format of the GWM output file. Version 1.2.02; 27 July 2010 Update GWM-2005 with most recent version of MODFLOW-LGR (version 1.2). No changes to GWM source code in this release. Version 1.2.01; 22 January 2010 Correct bugs in handling of flow process status arrays MFCNVRG, DEWATER, DEWATERQ that caused GWM to fail when IBASE set to one in the SOLN input file. Bug was introduced with version 1.2. Changes to properly access these arrays in GWM1RMS3AR, GWM1HDC3OS, GWM1RMS3OS, GWM1RMS3PP, GWM1RMS3OS, GWM1RMS3FP and main program. Correct output bug in SGWM1RMS3AP that reported wrong sign on objective function for SLP iteration output when OBJTYP set to MAX. Minor output improvements; add write statement in GWM1BAS3RW to put explanatory text at top of listing file, add more output to GWM1RMS3SLP to explain convergence of SLP, improve error messaging when response matrix file already exists Version 1.2; 7 December 2009 MF2005-GWM is renamed GWM-2005. Add capability to accomodate problems on multipe grids using MODFLOW-LGR. Build main program from MODFLOW-LGR Version 1.1.02 GWM-2005 Packages are revised to allow use of MODFLOW-LGR. All GWM-2005 package files are renumbered to Package version 3. Add CRITMFC input parameter which indicates how GWM will test acceptability of the GWF process result. CRITMFC is read in GWM1RMS3AR and is used in GWM1BAS3AP. The main program was also modified to accommodate two metrics for acceptability. Add code in anticipation of a future version of GWM-2005 with parallel programming capability. Changes made in DCV, DCC, RMS, BAS, HDC and STC Packages and main program of GWM. These changes have no impact on runs of the current verion of GWM-2005. New report issued to document LGR capability and other changes: Ahlfeld, D.P., Baker, K.M., and Barlow, P.M., 2009, GWM-2005-- A Groundwater-Management Process for MODFLOW-2005 with Local Grid Refinement (LGR) capability: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, 6-A33, 65 p. ============ Prior versions were named MF2005-GWM ========================== Version 1.1; 8 June 2009 Correct an output bug that caused incorrect values of the external and binary variables to be used when writing the output file for the base runs when the SLP option is used. Changes made in GWM1RMS3OT and GWM1SMC3OT. Simplify code arrangement in GWM1SMC3OT and GWM1OBJ3FM without changing any functionality. Correct a bug that might allow referencing of an array beyond its bound in loop 120 of SGWM1RMS3AP. Add a continuation line feature for BVLIST in GWM1DCV3AR so that multiple lines can be read if the preceding line ends with &. Correct bug in GWM1PSIMPLEX1 that caused an incorrect count on the number of slack variables passed to the LP solver for the case when a summation constraint contains binary variables and is specified as an equality constraint. Add code to GWM1PSIMPLEX1 to set relaxed binary variables to zero if they are implicitly fixed by constraints that only contain binary variables and that are already binding. Add to the STC package the capability to process streamflow constraints represented by either the STR or SFR packages. Create new subroutine GWM1STC2OS2. Impose requirement that both STR and SFT packages can not be active in the flow process. Version 1.0.1; 8 August 2008 Add modification to MF2005_GWM main program to pass HDRY to GWM...OS routines. Add changes in GWM1RMS2OS and GWM1HDC2OS that accept the passed value of HDRY rather than accessing through BCFMODULE. Change in GWM1RMS2OT to write a line to the GWMWFILE even if the flow rate for the well is zero. Add code to read IRM when SOLNTYP is 'NS' on line 2c of SOLN file after read of RMNAME. IRM is set to either 1, indicating that RMNAME is opened as UNFORMATTED or 3 indicating a FORMATTED write of the response matrix. If IRM is blank, it is assigned a value of 1. Add a subroutine CUTCOM in GWM1BAS2 that removes trailing comments on an input line. Insert calls to this routine in GWM1DCV2AR and GWM1RMS2AR. Change the PCG file for test problems to account for new input requirements. Version 1.0; 12 August 2007 MF2005_GWM draws from a new set of GWM Package files. These files were created in August 2007 and numbered as Package version 2. The files were constructed from the Package files from MF2K_GWM V1.1.1. In most cases, only the name of the subroutine was changed to indicate version 2, with no changes to the code. In these cases, the version date was unchanged from MF2K_GWM V1.1.1. The package version date was changed. Some subroutines were functionally changed and new subroutines were added in the GWM BAS package. These changes are described in the documentation for MF2005_GWM V1.0 This version is the initial release. =