Water Resources of the United States
Version 2.4.1 2023/06/05 - This version addresses the following bug fixes and enhancements: o Updated persistence mechanism so that the last representation type is "remembered" between GCLAS sessions. o Modified transport plot window so that it is in a separate window, independent of the GCLAS main window. o Reorganized distribution files. o Internal refactoring and clean up of GCLAS code. o Updated help files. o Minor stability enhancements. Version 2.30 2020/10/01 - This version addresses the following bug fixes and enhancements: o Added display of flux units to water-quality table. o Updated persistence mechanism so that the last accessed directory is opened on subsequent open/import operations. o Added automatic creation of a ".bak" file that contains the last saved GCLAS project file (gpf) when resaving to a preexisting gpf file.. o Added ability to individually scale Y axes. o Added ability to display up to 10 parmeters in water-quality tables. o Updated help files. o Minor stability enhancements. Version 2.20 2020/01/07 - This version addresses the following bug fixes and enhancements: o Updated the installer so that it works with Java JRE versions through Java 11. No changes were made to the GCLAS code. Version 2.20 2018/12/03 - This version addresses the following bug fixes and enhancements: o Added display of gpf file being worked in the "About GCLAS" dialog box. o Added the ability to produce rdb (i.e. tab-delimited) files that contain daily mean flows, concentrations, and loads. o Added the ability to import multiple gcl files (at start up), so long as they use an identical station numbers, node names, and separators (in the file header) and are identically formatted. o Corrected errors in the export format picklist options. o Made default unit-value file write location same as last input file write location. o Made improvements in the rdb output routines. o Added checks to warn about applying coefficients outside of the water year. o Complied using OpenJDK. o Updated the help files. Version 2.10a 2017/08/28 - This version addresses the following bug fix: o GCLAS plots daily values at 12:00 on the applicable date. Daily values in Aquarius typically are assigned to the end of the day with interpolation set to "preceding constant"; however, on export, those same daily values are assigned a time of 00:00 on the day following the applicable date. Version 2.10a of GCLAS was modified to plot daily values at 12:00 on the applicable date. Version 2.10 plotted daily values at 12:00 on the date indicated in the export file which is the day after the applicable date associated with the daily value. So, for example a daily value for 01/01/2017 is exported from Aquarius with a date/time of 01/02/2017 at 00:00 and will be listed/plotted in GCLAS 2.10a with a date/time of 01/01/2017 at 12:00. Note that the time shift is done only for daily values exported from Aquarius. All other date/times are used as is. o GCLAS jar file updated on 10/23/2017 to correct Windows 10 issue where the GCLAS shortcut was not being created. The actual GCLAS code was not changed. Version 2.10 2017/08/11 - This version addresses the following bug fixes and enhancements: o Added new flow units (gal/min and mL/s) and new load units (mg/d). GCLAS project files created in version 2.10 (and later versions) that use these new flow units will not be backward compatible with earlier versions of GCLAS. o Added code to trap problem where coefficient-relation time span extends outside of the computational water year. o Added code to allow import of time-series data in the Aquarius coma-separated-variable (csv) export format. o Fixed NWISWeb data import problem caused by UTF-8 header on files saved from Internet Explorer in default file Unicode format. Version 2.00 2017/01/18 - This version addresses the following bug fixes and enhancements: o Updated to output concentration and loading data in tab-delimited (rdb) formats. Card-image outputs are no longer an option in version 2.00. o Added additional symbols in graphs to better distinguish between point, single-vertical, cross-section, and other types of samples. o Revised some labels used in the GCLAS interface. o Added additional parameters to the parameter-code dictionary. o Updated help file to reflect changes in version 2.00. o Version 2.00 can read and process GCLAS project files (gpf files) created with earlier versions of GCLAS. Version 1.06c 2016/02/19 - This version addresses the following bug fixes and enhancements: o Corrects a bug that caused remark codes of "<" and ">" to be lost if a a data set with those remark codes was saved to a GCLAS project file (.gpf), opened in a new GCLAS session, and saved again. This bug did not affect computed loads, since GCLAS uses the censoring level to compute loads. o Improved open/write dialogs so that last open/written directory is default location. o Cleaned up compute-loads option tab. Version 1.06b 2014/09/17 - This version addresses the following enhancements: o Modified gcl import function to properly read concentration values with magnitudes less than 1.0 that are missing leading zeros. o Added additional parameters to the parameter-code dictionary. o Made minor changes to make selected error messages clearer. Version 1.06a 2013/06/01 - This version addresses the following bugs and enhancements: o Corrected problem with maximize scale option caused by error related to 'usable' field. o Added display of 'A' qualifer (for average values) to better facilitate analyses with lab-generated averaged data. o Removed the remark field from the QW table because remarks were never implemented in GCLAS o Revised code for picklist handling in the QW table to register on selection rather than requiring clicking in adjacent cell. Version 1.06 2012/06/09 - This version addresses the following bugs and enhancements: o Added the ability to read tab-delimited NWISWeb-based streamflow unit values. o Improved error handling and error messages. o Eliminated options to work with non-water-year periods. o Added the ability to compute bacterial and thermal loadings. o Improved automatic handling of some forms of improper input formatting. o Revised input filters to make options more understandable. o Corrected problem with loss of focus on pop-up windows. o Added note to output table to indicate that monthly and yearly totals are rounded. o Updated help files. o Updated installer to work with Windows 7 operating system. Version 1.05e 2007/01/22 - This version addresses the following bugs and enhancements: o Added routines to help recover data from corrupted gpf files. o Added routines to handle unknown parameter codes in 2 and B card files. o Added routines to trap missing parameter code and/or statistic code in 2 and B card files. o Added the ability to compute bacterial and thermal loadings. o Modified rounding rules for sediment concentration and loading to be consistent with NWIS. Version 1.04 2002/07/18 - This version addresses the following bugs and enhancements: o When rounded concentration data were output in card-image form from the load table, the parameter code was output as the string "undef" rather than 80154. o When rounded concentration data were output in card-image form from the load table, when attempting to write unrounded concentration data, GCLAS used to cause an exception resulting in a zero size report file as a result of the exception. o Saving a .csv file as a .gcl file, caused an exception. o When a date cell was edited with a new date and user pressed "Enter", the time cell was set to computer system's time in GMT. o If two data values occurred on the same day and one of the data values was edited so that its time was earlier in the day than the other value, then the water-quality table was not resorted based on the new entered. Also, the graph was not drawn properly. The data was shown correctly if they are saved to a gpf file and re-read into GCLAS. In general, editing a time cell was not causing a resort of the table based on the new time. o Loads computed for partial days were not correct. The total number of intervals used for discretization of the day was used instead of the actual number of time intervals in the partial day. (note: this bug only affected loads computed for the first and last day of the computation period.) o When loads were computed sequentially for at least two discontinuous periods, the load table was improperly filled in for the intervening days. These data were not output to card images if card images were subsequently created. o A merge was originally (pre-version 1.04) done by averaging concentrations and coefficients and applying them at the minimum streamflow associated with the merged coefficents and at the time associated with the earliest time of the merged coefficients. This was changed to make the streamflow associated with the merged coefficient equal to the average streamflow. o New parameters were added to the parameters table. o The ability to use several different concentration and load units was added. o The user interface was cleaned up. o The checkbox named "Include Est. pts" on the "Apply Coefficients" tab was removed. The functionality for this checkbox was never implemented. To provide the intended functionality, a new "Options" menu was added. A "Default Representation" sub menu was added under the "Options" menu cascading to 3 choices for the user to select from: "Cross Section", "Single Vertical", or "Point". Estimated values are assigned the representation chosen by the user. Changing the default representation affects only those estimated values that are entered after the change in default representation. o The help files were updated to reflect the changes implemented in this release. Version 1.03 2001/08/13 - not released officially Version 1.02 2001/04/18 - Corrected problems with saving and reloading data. Corrected problem where ignored values were still being used in computing daily loads. Version 1.01 2001/03/25 - Corrected problem in which discharge values were not interpolated when concentration values were interactively added to the data set. Also corrected problem in which concentration values that were interactively deleted were not completely removed from the data structure. If the data were then stored to and reloaded from a GCLAS Project File or gcl file, the previously deleted data were restored to the working data set. Version 1.0 2001/03/21 - Initial release Version 1.b 2000/11/01 - Initial beta release CONTACTS Operation and Distribution: U.S. Geological Survey Office of Surface Water 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Mail Stop 415 Reston, VA 20192 gs-w_help_gclas@usgs.gov