Graphical Constituent Loading Analysis System

                     GCLAS - Version 2.30 2020/10/01

Instructions for installation and execution are provided below.
After installation, see the readme.txt file in the doc subdirectory of
the GCLAS installation directory for summary information on GCLAS.

For assistance, enhancement requests, or to report bugs, send e-mail to

                          TABLE OF CONTENTS

                          A. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS
                          B. DISTRIBUTION FILE
                          C. DOCUMENTATION
                          D. INSTALLING
                              o Installing GCLAS
                              o GCLAS directory structure
                          E. RUNNING THE PROGRAM
                          F. UNINSTALLING GCLAS
                          G. CONTACTS


A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required to install and run
GCLAS. Version 6 or higher is recommended. The latest open-source 
implementation of the JRE for Linux and Microsoft Windows platforms can 
be downloaded from https://adoptopenjdk.net. The GCLAS Linux start-up scripts 
are written in the Korn shell and so it must also be installed or the scripts
should be modified to use another scripting language.


The following distribution package (containing the software and
information files) is currently available for UNIX systems:


A help manual can be displayed by selecting "Help Topics"
from the GCLAS Help menu. A user's manual can be is available on the
Web at http://pubs.usgs.gov/tm/2006/tm4C1/.


The distribution file (gclas_install_2_30.jar) is a java installer. Type
"java -jar gclas_install_2_30.jar" to run it and then follow the instructions
given by the installer to complete the installation.

Thie installer creates the following directory structure (the contents of each
directory are shown to the right):

   gclas2.30                       files NOTICE.TXT and this README.TXT
     `-----bin                      script to run GCLAS
     `-----data                     example input data
     `-----doc                      documentation files
     `-----help                     file containing on-line help text
     `-----lib                      class files and software libraries
     `-----lib_data                 parameter and constituent files
     `-----user                     working directory used by GCLAS shortcuts
     `-----Uninstall                uninstaller for GCLAS

After GCLAS has been installed, it can be executed by typing the full pathname of
the execution script in the bin subdirectory, for example:


However, to make the software accessible from any directory, create a link to the 
execution script, placing it in a directory that is included in each user's search 
path. For example, if each user's search path consists of


using the command

    ln -s /usr/opt/wrdapp/gclas2.30/bin/gclas /usr/local/bin/gclas

will make the program accessible from any directory without requiring the
full pathname of the executable.  

Users with multiple installations of JRE should note that the execution
script will execute the first java command found by the operating system
in searching the directories contained in the user's search path (type
"which java" to see which command this is; type "java -version" to see
what version of the JRE it is).  To execute a different java version,
uncomment and modify as appropriate the lines containing the JREHOME
variable in the execution script.

Note that the execution script is a Bash shell script. Unix users may need to
edit the script and change the first line from "#!/bin/bash" to "#!/bin/ksh".


If the program has been installed in a directory included in the users'
PATH (as described above), the program can be executed with the command
"gclas".  Otherwise, the full pathname of the execution script will need 
to be typed.

See the "GETTING STARTED" text in the upper right-hand panel of the
GCLAS window and the on-line help for assistance with using GCLAS.


To uninstall GCLAS, issue the command:

java -jar /usr/opt/wrdapp/gclas2.30/Uninstall/uninstall.jar

and follow the prompts. If GCLAS was not installed in the default location,
substitute the correct path to the Uninstall directory.

Be sure to remove any links created to the execution script as described under


Inquiries about this software distribution should be directed to:

  U.S.Geological Survey
  Office of Surface Water
  12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
  Mail Stop 415
  Reston, VA 20192 

  e-mail:  gs-w_help_gclas@usgs.gov