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WQ2002.13 Water-Quality Field Methods/National Field Manual for the Collection of Water-Quality Data

The purpose of this memorandum is to designate the National Field Manual for the Collection of Water-Quality Data (Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations Book 9, Chapters A1-A9) as the official and citable protocol for the collection of water-quality data by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Water Resources Discipline. Use of this protocol is mandated as the standard operating procedure for all national programs, including the NASQAN, Benchmark, NAWQA, and Toxic Substances Hydrology Programs, and for all District-based projects, including those in the Cooperative Program. Programs and projects that collect samples for analytes and/or mediums that are not covered in the National Field Manual may use documented program- or project-specific protocols, such as those that were prepared by the NAWQA Program for collecting fish, algae, and invertebrate samples. Identified data-quality objectives for some project and program objectives may require deviations from these standard procedures. Any use of non-standard data-collection methods must be documented in project records and reports to show: (1) that the samples are representative of the target environments; (2) that, through collection and analysis of appropriate quality-control data, the samples are uncontaminated at the analyte concentrations being measured; and (3) that the resulting data meet data-quality objectives.

The National Field Manual was developed by the USGS Office of Water Quality to: (1) establish and communicate scientifically sound data-collection methods; (2) encourage consistent use of field methods in order to produce nationally comparable data; (3) provide sampling methods that, when properly applied, result in accurate data that are reproducible within defined limits of variability; and (4) respond to the need to document the methods used by the USGS and thereby provide a unified and citable reference. Protocols and procedures in the National Field Manual have been tested and reviewed and are the foundation for the USGS National Training Center courses "Field Water-Quality Methods for Ground Water and Surface Water" (QW1028TC) and "Water-Quality Field Methods Refresher" (QW3190TC). Revisions and additions to the National Field Manual, which are incorporated into the web-based, electronic version, constitute an ongoing process that responds to technological or scientific advances, newly obtained quality-control data, changes in the types of data that are being collected, changes in the types of equipment being used in the field, or changes in field or analytical methods. Revisions to the National Field Manual are announced on the National Field Manual home page at:


All individuals collecting water-quality samples should have a hard copy of the National Field Manual and be informed of and/or be provided with revisions. Hard copies of the National Field Manual chapters were printed and distributed to all District offices at the time of publication; a supply should be maintained to meet ongoing District needs. Additional copies can be obtained from the USGS Branch of Information Services, Box 25286, Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225 or phone: 1-888-ASK-USGS or Fax: 303-202-4693. The hard copies are not likely to include the latest revisions or additions, which are maintained in the electronic version. New hard copies of chapters will be printed and distributed only when major revisions are made.

Notice of errata and general comments are entered on the Comments-and-Errata page of the National Field Manual web site. If errors are found or modifications seem necessary, they should be entered into the NFM-GNATS database at:


The status and a description of all the modifications requested through NFM-GNATS can be accessed through the same page.

Questions and comments about the National Field Manual should be directed to Franceska Wilde (fwilde@usgs.gov) in the Office of Water Quality.

Stephen K. Sorenson /s/ Acting Chief, Office of Water Quality

This memorandum supersedes Office of Water Quality Technical Memoranda 71.09, 72.04, 73.07, 75.09, 76.17, 78.06, 79.10, 80.28, 81.08, 82.01, 82.05, 84.18, 85.09, 90.01, 91.02, 91.09, 92.02, 94.09, and 97.03.

Distribution: All WRD Employees

(See attached file: OWQ.02.13 NFM.htm) ********************************************** Stephen K. Sorenson Acting Chief, Office of Water Quality US Geological Survey 412 National Center Reston, VA 20192 703-648-6864 sorenson@usgs.go