CAP Graphical User Interface (CAP GUI) -- A tool for estimating flow through culverts. The CAP GUI requires Java SE 6. It runs on Windows and Macintosh operating systems. The Mac OS version of the CAP Fortran executable requires GNU Fortran ( INSTALLATION To install the CAP GUI, download InstallCAP.jar and double-click it to start the installation process. The default installation location for the Windows operating system is C:\Program Files\CAP. The default Mac OS location is /Applications/CAP. This location can be changed and the installer will prompt you if it detects a previous installation of CAP or the CAP GUI in the specified location. RUNNING THE CAP GUI To launch the CAP GUI, navigate to the installation directory and double click on the runnable JAR file CAPGUI.jar (Windows) or the Mac OS application bundle, CAP GUI To start a new project, choose the New Indirect option from the File menu. For more information, see the CAP GUI fact sheet in the doc directory. RUNNING CAP IN STANDALONE MODE The CAP Fortan executable is installed in the bin directory. It can be run from a command line in the same way as previous versions. See the CAP documentation in the cap2/doc directory for information about preparing CAP input files manually.