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The World Climate
Programme . Water (WCP-Water) promotes hydrological
activities in the World Climate Programme and related conventions, and provides
the water community with current data and information on hydrological and
water resources conditions and variations, in a climatic context, over a wide
range of time and space scales. |
WCP-Water activities are
grouped into four operational functions: · Bridging function Seeks to link climate and water-related activities in the areas of disaster mitigation, human health, food security, and water quality. · Coordinating function Strives to avoid or minimize redundancy in the climate and water-related activities of WMO and UNESCO. · Outreach function Endeavors to liase with other relevant activities of UN agencies, such as WWDR. · Enabling environment Wherein researchers and organizations are invited to contribute to the topical areas and activities of WCP-Water. |
National Services and
related organizations engaged in projects that conform to these three focus
areas, and that are interested in having their projects promoted by WCP-Water, are
invited and encouraged to contact the WMO Secretariat at
dhwr@wmo.int . |