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Site ID: 88 US 2 over Beaver Creek Overflow 9 Miles West of Saco, MT
File Name Description
BVR9SACO.xls Excel worksheet with survey data (September 18, 2001) and the resulting plot of bathymetry profiles used to estimate depth
of scour during the 1986 flood.
bvr7AND9saco.dwg AutoCad file of the surveyed points collected during the 9/17-9/18/01 data collection trip.  File contains both overflow bridges of the Beaver Creek.
BVR9SACO.dxf AutoCad file of 9/17-9/18/01 survey in a .dxf file format
BVR9SACO.txt ASCII file of the data points collected at the overflow bridge 7 miles W of Saco during the 9/17-9/18/01 survey.
Photos.zip Photos of bridge site taken during 9/17-9/18/01 survey, description of photos included in Bvr7_PhotoDescription.doc Word file.
All(Site88).zip All files listed above
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