Transect - transect file number
Ensemble - ensemble number (averaged
every 5 ensembles)
BinElev - elevation to center of depth cell in ft MSL
BinDepth - depth to center of depth cell in ft
U - u-velocity component (east) in ft/sec
V - v-velocity component (north) in ft/sec
W - vertical velocity component in ft/sec
X-SP - x location in State Plane coordinates Missouri East NAD-27
Y-SP - y location in State Plane coordinate Missouri East NAD-27
Mag - velocity magnitude in ft/sec
Dir - velocity direction referenced to north
UnitQ - discharge contain in depth cell
BotElev - elevation of streambed in
ft MSL
X-Loc - x location in local coordinate system
Y-Loc - y location in local coordinate system
U-Loc - u-velocity component in x direction in local coordinate
V-Loc - v-velocity component in y direction in local coordinate
Dir-Loc - velocity direction referenced to the local coordinate system