Category: 4. Hydroacoustic
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-003_08.jpg)
First Place
Ready, set, go
November 16, 2007
USGS Hydrologic Technician, Nate Stevens, prepares to
make a discharge measurement using acoustics and a
remote control boat on the Missouri River near
Vermillion, SD.
M.J. Andersen (Robert Swanson)
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-016_01.jpg)
Second Place
Iguaçu Falls 1
February 10, 2011
Flow measurement in Iguaçu Falls with a ADP
Sydnei Ribeiro (Luiz Moldanado)
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-008_09.jpg)
Third Place
High Flow
January 2011
12510500 Yakima River at Kiona, Launching boat for
high flow measurement.
Kevin Wright
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-013_01.jpg)
Stream Pro Measurement
March 21, 2008
Wes Heaton, and Robert Hemauer make a Stream Pro
measurement at 09510000 Verde River BLW Bartlett
Dam, AZ. Tagline is strung across river with a
kayak, and stream pro is operated with a cableway ROV.
Bert Duet
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-021_02.jpg)
Retrieving sediment sample
October 16, 2007
Retrieving sediment sample from P-61 sampler to be
used to calibrate ADCP backscatter for estimating
suspended sediment concentrations; near St. Louis,
MO, October 2007
(Note: Also listed in SW Field Work category)
Kevin Oberg
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-001_03.jpg)
Install of fixed-mount 600 kHz ADCP
November 2, 2010
Installation of a fixed-mount 600 kHz ADCP on a Missouri
River bridge pier at Jefferson City, Missouri.
Kelly Brady (Paul Rydlund)
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-005_03.jpg)
ADCP comparison
September 2008
Comparing ADCP, ADVM and conventional meters.
Dave Grey
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-007_05.jpg)
June 8, 2009
Jeremiah Drewel at Colville River at Umiat, AK
Ryan Hollins
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-007_06.jpg)
June 12, 2009
Jeremiah Drewel at Ikpikpuk River below Fry Creek
near Alaktak, AK
Ryan Hollins
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-013_02.jpg)
Setting up for stream pro measurement
March 21, 2008
Wes Heaton and Robert Hemauer prepare to do a
Stream pro measurement at 09510000 Verde River
BLW Bartlett Dam, AZ.
Bert Duet
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-014_03.jpg)
ADCP at Clark Fork
Dec. 15, 2010
StreamPro measurement on the Clark Fork River in
Montana December 2010
D.A. Bischoff
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-014_05.jpg)
September 2010
Kim Schierenbeck, USGS, at Many Glacier with
StreamPro ADCP unit
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-014_07.jpg)
A. Whiteman at Marias River
March 1, 2010
Aroscott Whiteman making a Flowtracker measurement
at the Marias River near Shelby,
Montana, March 2010
D.A. Bishoff
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-016_02.jpg)
Iguaçu Falls2
February 10, 2011
Flow measurement in Iguaçu Falls with a ADP
Sergio Tulio (Luiz Moldanado)
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-016_03.jpg)
Iguaçu Falls3
February 10, 2011
Flow measurement in Iguaçu Falls with a ADP
Sydnei Ribeiro (Luiz Moldanado)
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-018_09.jpg)
ADCP flood measuremet
September 22, 2009
03443000 French Broad River at Blantyre, NC. Rio Grande
deployed by tethered riverboat from the downstream
side of the bridge during late summer flood.
John A. Mazurek
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-019_01.jpg)
Discharge measurement in Hells Canyon, ID
October 14, 2008
USGS, BOR, and Idaho Power employees made comparison
discharge measurements, using the Ott QLiner (shown)
and other ADCPs, on the Snake River in Hells Canyon,
on the border of ID and OR
(Note: Also listed in SW Field Work category)
Molly Wood
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-019_04.jpg)
ADCP measurement on the Lesser Zab River, Iraq
February 26, 2010
USGS and Iraqi scientists measured discharge with a TRDI
Rio Grande ADCP and developed a mock index-velocity rating
downstream of Dokan Dam on the Lesser Zab River in Iraq
(Note: Also listed in SW Field Work category)
Molly Wood
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-019_05.jpg)
ADVMs on the Kootenai River, ID
August 30, 2010
Pete Elliott, ID WSC, installing ADVMs on the Kootenai
River as part of an acoustic-sediment surrogate gage
Molly Wood
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-019_06.jpg)
Chile discharge measurements
January 30, 2011
USGS and Chilean scientists making comparison
measurements with various ADCPs on the glacier-fed
Rio Murta in Chilean Patagonia
(Note: Also listed in SW Field Work category)
Molly Wood
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-019_07.jpg)
Chile ADCP comparisons
January 30, 2011
Andy Tranmer, ID WSC, making comparison ADCP
measurements on the glacier-fed Rio Murta in
Chilean Patagonia
(Note: Also listed in SW Field Work category)
Molly Wood
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-019_08.jpg)
Patagonia streamgage
February 2, 2011
USGS and Chilean scientists making comparison
ADCP measurements (via cableway and kayak) at a
streamgage on the Rio Murta in Chilean Patagonia
(Note: Also listed in SW Field Work category)
Molly Wood
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-019_09.jpg)
Patagonia ADCP measurements
January 30, 2011
Molly Wood, ID WSC, making comparison ADCP
measurements with Chilean and University of Idaho
scientists on the Rio Murta in Chilean Patagonia
(Note: Also listed in SW Field Work category)
Greg Clark (Molly Wood)
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-019_10.jpg)
Diver installing ADVM
September 18, 2008
Molly Wood, ID WSC, installs an uplooking ADVM in
the Spokane River, ID
(Note: Also listed in SW Field Work category)
Greg Clark (Molly Wood)
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-021_01.jpg)
Preparing for Testing
July 27, 2004
Hydrographer preparing tethered boat and ADCP
for ADCP test and evaluation, Missouri, July 2004
Kevin Johnson (Kevin Oberg)
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-021_03.jpg)
Setting up GPS base station
October 18, 2007
Setting up GPS base station prior to ADCP surveys
on the Missouri River near Columbia Bottoms,
October 2007
(Note: Also listed in SW Field Work category)
Kevin Oberg
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-021_04.jpg)
Preparing for multi-beam and ADCP survey
October 18, 2007
Rigging boat for multi-beam echo sounder and
ADCP surveys, Missouri River, October 2007
Kevin Oberg
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-021_05.jpg)
ADCP Validation Measurement
July 8, 2004
Comparison measurements being made for the
purpose of testing a StreamPro ADCP on
the Fox River near Algonquin, IL, July 2004
Kevin Oberg
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-021_06.jpg)
Preparing for Flowtracker measurement
September 27, 2006
Wading Gunnison River below Gunnison Tunnel,
CO prior to a Flowtracker discharge
measurement, September 2006
Kevin Oberg
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-021_07.jpg)
Preparing for ADCP comparison measurements
October 30, 2008
Preparing boat for ADCP comparison measurements on
the Ohio River near Evansville, IN, October 2008
Kevin Oberg
![see caption](Hydroacoustics/Thumbnails/11-021_09.jpg)
ADCP Comparison Measurement
September 26, 2006
Cableway Price AA and ADCP comparison measurements,
Gunnison River near Grand Junction, CO, September 2006
Kevin Oberg