The Thiamine Deficiency Complex (TDC) Workshop is sponsored by the U.S. Geological Survey’s Great Lakes Science Center.  The purpose of the workshop is to improve the health of aquatic organisms in the Great Lakes by developing a coordinated research and monitoring program to address ecosystem impairments manifested in thiamine deficiency complex.  The complexity, geographic scope, and seriousness of TDC make it imperative that natural resource agencies work together to identify high priority needs, investigate scientifically sound solutions, and develop a funding framework to address these issues.  Workshop attendees will include natural resource managers and research scientists with expertise in areas as diverse as aquatic animal health, biochemistry, ecology, fisheries, genetics, invasive species, limnology, and physiology.


Workshop dates

The workshop will be held on September 16-17, 2003 in Ann Arbor.  A workshop web page is also under development.


Workshop objectives

The main purpose of this workshop is to reach consensus on the elements of a program that meets the following criteria: 1) identifies high priority research and monitoring areas related to TDC issues and aquatic organism well-being and 2) meets the needs of multiple, geographically dispersed management agencies. 


Draft agenda


Draft Workshop Agenda

Ecosystem Dysfunction, Invasive Species, and Thiamine Deficiency Complex

September 16-17, 2003


Tuesday, September 16


9:00-10:00 am  - Registration


10:00-10:15  Welcome


10:15 am - 12:00 pm  - Plenary Session


·          “TDC: Past, Present, and Future: Setting the Stage”

An historical overview of the problem and a look at the available research and the current state of our knowledge.


·            “Perspectives from the Baltic”


12:00-1:15 pm - Lunch


1:15-4:15 pm - Breakout Groups  (A break will occur at 3:00 pm.  After the break, participants will switch to a new breakout group)


Evening:  Social hour followed by dinner




Wednesday, September 17


9:00-10:30 am - Continue with breakout groups


10:30-10:50 Break


10:50 am-12:00 - Breakout group reports


12:00-1:00 pm  - Lunch


1:00-2:00 pm - Continue with breakout group reports


2:00-4:00 pm - Summary, closing, and next step