Online Guide to MODFLOW-2005

Lake Bathymetry File

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Lake Bathymetry File

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Lake Bathymetry File

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If keyword “TABLEINPUT” is specified in item 1a then the following data are required, where 1 file is required for each lake:


hmtoggle_plus1Explanation of variables

STAGELAKE are the lake stage values. These values should include lake stage values over the range that could occur in the simulation.

VOLUMELAKE are the lake volume values corresponding to the values specified for STAGELAKE.

AREALAKE are the lake surface area values corresponding to the values specified for STAGELAKE.


1. Exactly 151 lines must be included within each lake bathymetry input file and each line must contain 1 value of lake stage, volume, and area (3 numbers per line) if the keyword “TABLEINPUT” is specified in item 1a. A separate file is required for each lake. Thus, if there are 4 lakes in a simulation then 4 lake bathymetry files are required. 151 values are required in each file to be consistent with the original Lake Package. See the definition of the keyword “TABLEINPUT” for more details.

Example LAK3 input file demonstrating the use of the TABLEINPUT functionality. The numbers are in free format. Comment lines are not supported. The following is an example of the beginning of a lake bathymetry file.

9.70000E+01 0.00000E+00 2.25000E+06 #Stage Volume Area 

9.96867E+01 6.04500E+06 2.25000E+06 

1.02373E+02 1.20900E+07 2.25000E+06 

1.05060E+02 1.81350E+07 2.25000E+06 

1.07747E+02 3.49267E+07 6.25000E+06