The List Utility Module is never used independently from packages so it does not have a separate symbol in the name file.
Input Instructions
Module ULSTRD reads lists, which are any number of repetitions of an input item that contains multiple variables. Examples of packages that make use of this module are the General-Head Boundary, Drain, River, and Well Packages.
Data Set 1
If Item 1 is not included, then the list is read from the package file. Item 1 must begin with the keyword “EXTERNAL” or the keyword “OPEN/CLOSE” (not both).
IN—is the unit number for a file from which the list will be read. The name of the file associated with this file unit must be contained in the name file, and its file type must be “DATA” in the name file.—is the unit number for a file from which the list will be read. The name of the file associated with this file unit must be contained in the Name File, and its file type must be “DATA” or “DATA(BINARY)” in the Name File. The file will be read as binary if the file type in the Name File is specified as “DATA(BINARY)”. SFAC is not read if the list is read from a binary file.
FNAME—is the name of a file from which the list will be read. This file will be opened on unit 99 just before reading the list and closed immediately after the list is read. This file should not be included in the Name File. The keyword “(BINARY)” can specified after FNAME to indicate that the file is binary. SFAC is not read if the list is read from a binary file. The OPEN/CLOSE option is particularly useful for running simulations that require more than 99 files using a computer that allows only 99 files to be opened simultaneously.
Scale—is a scale factor that is multiplied times the value of one or more variables within every record of the list. The input instructions that define a list, which will be read by ULSTRD, should specify the variables to which SFAC applies. If Item 2 is not included, then Scale is 1.0. If Item 2 is included, it must begin with the keyword “SFAC.” The values of the list variables that are printed to the listing file include the effect of Scale. SFAC is not read if the list is read from a binary file.
List—is a specified number of lines of data in which each line contains a specified number of variables. The first three variables are always layer, row, and column. The other fields vary according to which package is calling this module.