release.txt MODFLOW-LGR Release Notes This file describes changes introduced into MODFLOW-LGR with each official release; these changes may substantially affect users. In this file, packages are referred to by their 3-or 4-character abbreviation. For information and references related to these packages, see mflgr.txt. NOTE: Any use of trade, product or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. o Version 2.0 /9/19/2013: This is the initial release of the ghost-node version of LGR2. The Boundary Flow and Head Package (BFH2) is also included. This version is based on MODFLOW-2005 release 1.10. o Version 1.2. /5/18/2010: Added support for routing of water across parent and child grids with streamflow routing simulated by the SFR Package. See Mehl and Hill (2010) for complete details. Fixed a bug that prevented BFH from running stand-alone simulations. This version is based on MODFLOW-2005 release 1.8. o Version 1.1.02 /3/25/2009: Fixed a bug that caused the program to halt with a message indicating incorrect vertical grid alignment when the grids were aligned correctly. This version is based on MODFLOW-2005 release 1.6.01. o Version 1.1.1 /4/15/2008: Fixed a bug that caused incorrect printing of head at the location of maximum head change in simulations with multiple child grids. This version is based on MODFLOW-2005 release 1.3. o Version 1.1 /7/15/2007: Added capability for multiple non-overlapping child grids. This version is based on MODFLOW-2005 release 1.3. o Version 1.00 03/01/2006: This version is the initial release.