U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) modflow-lgr(1) NOTE: Any use of trade, product or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. NAME modflow-lgr - MODFLOW with Local Grid Refinement ABSTRACT MODFLOW is a three-dimensional finite-difference groundwater model that was first published in 1984. It has a modular structure that allows it to be easily modified to adapt the code for a particular application. Many new capabilities have been added to the original model. Mehl and Hill (2005) document an enhancement to MODFLOW, which is called Local Grid Refinement (LGR). The combined code is called MODFLOW-LGR. MODFLOW-LGR allows smaller parts of a larger model domain to be refined without refining the entire model. Mehl and Hill (2007) expanded the original scope of MODFLOW-LGR to include multiple areas of refinement within a single model domain. This version (2013) couples grids using the ghost-node method rather than the shared node method HISTORY MODFLOW-LGR Version 2.0 09/19/2013 - This is the initial release of the ghost-node version of LGR2. Grids are coupled at the cell faces rather than at the shared nodes. The Boundary Flow and Head Package (BFH2) is also included. This version is based on MODFLOW-2005 release 1.10. MODFLOW-LGR Version 1.2 05/18/2010 - Added support for routing of water across parent and child grids with streamflow routing simulated by the SFR Package. See Mehl and Hill (2010) for complete details. Fixed a bug that prevented BFH from running stand-alone simulations. This version is based on MODFLOW-2005 release 1.8. MODFLOW-LGR Version 1.1.02 06/18/2009 - Fixed a bug that caused the program to halt with a message indicating incorrect vertical grid alignment when the grids were aligned correctly. This version is based on MODFLOW-2005 release 1.6.02. MODFLOW-LGR Version 1.1.1 04/15/2008 - Fixed a bug that caused incorrect printing of head at the location of maximum head change in simulations with multiple children. MODFLOW-LGR Version 1.1 07/15/2007 - Added support for multiple non-overlapping child grids. MODFLOW-LGR Version 1.0 03/01/2006 - Initial release. DATA REQUIREMENTS In order to use the LGR capability in MODFLOW-LGR, two model datasets are required. The first dataset defines the larger model domain, and the second defines the smaller part to be refined. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS MODFLOW-LGR is written primarily in Fortran 90. Only the GMG solver package is written in C. The code has been used on UNIX-based computers and personal computers running various forms of the Microsoft Windows operating system. DOCUMENTATION The basic documentation for MODFLOW-2005 (on which LGR is based) is contained in: Harbaugh, A.W., 2005, MODFLOW-2005, the U.S. Geological Survey modular ground-water model -- the Ground-Water Flow Process: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A16, variously p. The addition of LGR to MODFLOW-2005 is documented in: Mehl, S.W., and Hill, M.C., 2013, MODFLOW–LGR --Documentation of ghost node local grid refinement (LGR2) for multiple areas and the boundary flow and head (BFH2) package: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods book 6, chap. A44, 43 p., http://pubs.usgs.gov/tm/6a44/. Mehl, S.W. and Hill, M.C., 2005, MODFLOW-2005, the U.S. Geological Survey modular ground-water model -- documentation of shared node local grid refinement (LGR) and the Boundary Flow and Head (BFH) Package: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A12, 68 p. Mehl, S.W. and Hill, M.C., 2007, MODFLOW-2005, the U.S. Geological Survey modular ground-water model -- documentation of the multiple-refined-areas capability of local grid refinement (LGR) and the Boundary Flow and Head (BFH) Package: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A21 Mehl, S.W. and Hill, M.C., 2010, MODFLOW-LGR -- Modifications to the Streamflow- Routing Package (SFR2) to Route Streamflow through Locally Refined Grids: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A34, 15 p. CONTACT U.S. Geological Survey Office of Ground Water 411 National Center Reston, VA 20192 http://water.usgs.gov/ogw/