release.txt MODFLOW-USG Release Notes This file describes changes introduced into MODFLOW-USG with each official release; these changes may substantially affect users. In this file, packages are referred to by their 3-or 4-character abbreviation. For information and references related to these packages, see mfusg.txt ("Summary of MODFLOW-USG"). NOTE: Any use of trade, product or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. o Version 1.4 10/27/2017 MFUSG -- Updated program version and date. Added calls for the ETS and DRT Packages. Revised the way flow terms are written to the budget file for CLN. GLO2BASU1 -- Added JA symmetry check. Program now terminates with an error if the user-provided JA is not symmetric. GWF2BCF-LPF-U1 -- Removed the minimum saturation value. Difficult problems behave better by allowing saturation to go to zero and letting the solver handle it. Revised the way CLN-GW flows are written to the budget file. GWF2ETS8U1 -- This is the Segmented Evapotranspiration Package added in this release. GWF2DRT8U1 -- This is the Drain with Return Flow Package added in this release. GWF2WEL7U1 -- Revised the way flow terms are written to the budget file for CLN. GWF2DRN7U1 -- Revised the way flow terms are written to the budget file for CLN. GWF2RIV7U1 -- Revised the way flow terms are written to the budget file for CLN. GWF2GHB7U1 -- Revised the way flow terms are written to the budget file for CLN. GWF2FHB7U1 -- Revised the way flow terms are written to the budget file for CLN. GWF2LAK7U1 -- Added ability to read bathymetry and stage/volume tables. GWF2SFR7U1 -- Corrected an error in saving stream flows to a compact budget file. GWF2SUB7U1 -- Corrected errors in the unstructured subsidence formulation and output. CLN2BASU1 -- Removed the minimum saturation value. Revised the way GW-CLN flow terms are written to the CLN budget file. GLO2SMS-U1 -- Modified the way constant head and inactive cells are handled at the matrix level. In the present version, these cells are handled by inserting a 1.0 on the diagonal, zeroing out the off-diagonal terms, and putting the head value on the right-hand side. UTL7U1 -- Added two new subroutines for writing flow terms to budget files. PARUTL7 -- Corrected an error that caused list-based parameter to work incorrectly for structured grids. GMODULES -- Added a placedholder variable (IATS) that is not used by the program. ZONBUDUSG -- Updated to version 1.01. A bug could be encountered with non-compact budget files, output in the CSV format, and a changing number of budget types in the budget file. The program now terminates with an error if this condition is encountered and recommends use of the COMPACT BUDGET format. Executables -- Compiled using Intel Fortran 2017.4.210. o Version 1.3 12/01/2015 GLO2BASU1 -- Added DDREFERENCE option so that the reference head used to calculate drawdown can change during the simulation. GWF2BASU1 -- Removed calls to u1drel8 and replaced with calls to generalized u1drel array reader. Time information was being written to the listing file more frequently than necessary for an unstructured simulation. This was corrected to be consistent with MODFLOW-2005. GWF2BCF-LPF-U1 -- Fixed a problem with BCF input that occured when LAYCON was assigned a value of 2. GLO2SMSU1 -- Modifed approach for handling matrix terms for rows with IBOUND <= 0. DISU2GNCN1 -- In BD routines changed AMAT to AMATFL to allow for new approach for handling IBOUND <= 0. GWF2HFBU1 -- Implemented IVC=1 for vertically staggered staggered grids. GWF2WELU1 -- Fixed issue for case where wells were assigned to CLN nodes and structured GWF nodes. GWF2GHB7U1 -- Changed call to ULSTRDU so that CLN nodes can be specified. GWF2RIV7U1 -- Changed call to ULSTRDU so that CLN nodes can be specified. GWF2DRN7U1 -- Changed call to ULSTRDU so that CLN nodes can be specified. Fixed bug related parameters. GWF2CHD7U1 -- Changed call to ULSTRDU so that CLN nodes can be specified. GWF2EVT8U1 -- For unstructured grids, the node number written to the binary budget file may have been incorrect in some cases. GWF2RCH8U1 -- For unstructured grids, the node number written to the binary budget file may have been incorrect in some cases. GWF2FHB7U1 -- Fixed a bug in the writing of FHB flows to the binary budget file. GWF2SFR7U1 -- Fixed several issues related to streams in dry cells and streams in models with only a single layer. CLN2BASU1 -- Minor changes to unit number handling and filling of arrays. Fixed bug in assigning conduit node number. Fixed bug in calculation of conduit height. Fixed bug in saving of CLN IBOUND to binary file. PCGU7 -- Added several variable initialization statements. XMDLIB_2 -- Added some additional write statements for MUTPCG=0. UTL7U1 -- Removed u1drel8. Generalized u1drel so that it can read binary files in the same manner as u2drel. Example problems -- Made a few minor changes to several of the input files. The results from the simulations are the same, but, the appearance of some output files is slightly different. Executables -- Compiled using Intel Fortran Build 20150815 Program version citation -- Panday, Sorab, Langevin, C.D., Niswonger, R.G., Ibaraki, Motomu, and Hughes, J.D., 2015, MODFLOW-USG version 1.3.00: An unstructured grid version of MODFLOW for simulating groundwater flow and tightly coupled processes using a control volume finite-difference formulation: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 01 December 2015, o Version 1.2 03/21/2014 CLN2BASU1 -- Added transient IBOUND option so that CLN nodes can change between prescribed head, active, and inactive. Added capability to read CLN input in IA-JA format. Corrected bug in cell-by-cell flow output for CLN so that flows between CLN nodes are written in the IA-JA format. Description is provided in the description of model input and output. DISU2GNCN1 -- Slight change to method for constructing system of equations. Fixed bug for case when node used for interpolation goes dry. GLO2BASU1 -- Change in method for constructing system of equations. GLO2SMS-U1 -- Changed method for using PCGU7U1AR routine. Changed method for deallocating linear solvers. GMODULES -- Added items to CLN1MODULE. GWF2BCF-LPF-U1 -- Corrected method for calculating nodal hydraulic conductivity values when connection hydraulic conductivity values are specified. GWF2CHD7U1 -- Fixed bugs related to parameter values and case where reusing CHDs from previous stress period. GWF2DRN7U1 -- Fixed bug related to parameter values. GWF2EVT8U1 -- Fixed bug that may affect structured models with variable cell sizes. GWF2GAG7U1 -- Small formatting change. GWF2GHB7U1 -- Fixed bug related to parameter values. GWF2RCH8U1 -- Fixed bug that may affect structured models with variable cell sizes. GWF2RIV7U1 -- Fixed bug related to parameter values. MFUSG -- Added call to CLN1RP and changed allocation method for linear solvers. OPENSPEC -- Added comment about STREAM ACCESS. PCGU7 -- Encapsulated all subroutines into the PCGUMODULE. o Version 1.1 08/23/2013: CLN2BASU1 -- Renamed some internal variables and changed how the CLN constant-head budget terms are tabulated. DISU2GNCB1 -- Minor source formatting changes. DISU2GNCN1 -- Devised new approach for expanding the system of equations to include ghost-node connections. New method should be substantially faster for problems with many ghost nodes. Fixed case where ghost-node contributing cell starts or becomes inactive. GLO2SMS-U1 -- Added support for PCGU bgcs option. GMODULES -- Renamed TMPA variable to FLOWJA and fixed an initialization issue with this variable. GWF2BCF-LPF-U1 -- Revised method for calculating constant-head flows. Constant-head flows are now calculated from FLOWJA array instead of being recalculated. Constant-head flows are tabulated by cell face instead of by cell to provide a more accurate budget. GWF2GHB7U1 -- Fixed the NOPRINT option. GWF2LAK7U1 -- Fixed several bugs related to lakes and their use with unstructured grid models. GWF2SFR7U1 -- Fixed several bugs related to streams and their use with unstructured grid models. GWF2STR7U1 -- Added support for auxiliary variables and for reading free format input files. The 'STREAM FLOW OUT' budget term is now written in compact form when compact budgets are used. GWF2WEL7U1 -- Removed inactivation of well package when there are no active wells. PCGU7 -- Added the bi-conjugate gradient stabilized acceleration method for the PCGU linear solver. Changed default pcgu settings for 'simple', 'moderate', and 'complex'. See input instructions for additional details. UTL7U1 -- Small formatting change. XMD -- Added warning if reduced system (IREDSYS=1) is used. MFUSG -- Small revisions and change in subroutine calls for tabulating constant-head budget terms. SPARSE -- Added new SPARSEMATRIX module to facilitate matrix expansion for ghost nodes. o Version 1.0 05/03/2013: This version is the initial release.