One of the best known functions of wetlands is to provide a
habitat for birds (fig. 28). Humans have known of the
link between birds and wetlands for thousands of years.
Prehistoric people drew pictures of birds and wetlands
on cave walls, scratched them onto rocks, and used them
in the design of artifacts (fig. 29); and Native
American lore provides accounts of bird hunts in
wetlands. Wetlands are important bird habitats, and
birds use them for breeding, nesting, and rearing young
(fig. 30). Birds also use wetlands as a source of
drinking water and for feeding, resting, shelter, and
social interactions. Some waterfowl, such as grebes,
have adapted to wetlands to such an extent that their
survival as individual species depends on the
availability of certain types of wetlands within their
geographic range. Other species, such as the northern
pintail or the American widgeon, use wetlands only
during some parts of their lives. |

(Larger Version, 116K JPEG) |
Figure 28. This wetland in
California is habitat for migrating snow geese.
(Photograph by James R. Nelson, California
Department of Fish and Game.) |
The value of a wetland to a specific bird
species is affected by the presence of surface water and
the duration and timing of flooding.
(Larger Version, 83K JPEG) |
Figure 29.The importance of wetland birds to ancient people
is portrayed in these two artifacts. The petroglyph at the left, created between
A.D.1300 and 1650, is located at Petroglyph National Monument near Albuquerque,
N. Mex. The clay "duck pot" at the right, fired between 200 B.C. and A.D. 500,
was unearthed at Hopewell Culture National Historical Park, Chillicothe, Ohio.
(Photographs courtesy of the National Park Service.)
Version, 50K JPEG) |
Figure 30. This baby heron
will be raised in a wetland environment.
(Photograph courtesy of National Biological
Service.) |
occupy only a small part of the landscape that is now
the conterminous United States--11 percent in 1780 and
just 5 percent in 1980 (Dahl and others, 1991).
Nonetheless, they are important to birds. During the
past 20 years, policies and programs that encourage
altering, draining, or filling of wetlands have
decreased, and policies that encourage wetland
conservation and restoration have increased. (See
article "Wetland Protection Legislation" in this
volume.) Among the wetland attributes society seeks to
protect and conserve are those that benefit wildlife,
particularly migratory birds. This article discusses
the benefits that wetlands provide for birds and the
effects of wetland losses on birds.
The relation between wetlands and birds is shaped by many factors.
These include the availability, depth, and quality of
water; the availability of food and shelter; and the
presence or absence of predators. Birds that use wetlands
for breeding depend on the physical and biological
attributes of the wetland. Birds have daily and seasonal
dependencies on wetlands for food and other life-support
The value of a wetland to a specific bird
species is affected by the presence of surface water or
moist soils and the duration and timing of flooding.
Water might be present during the entire year, during
only one or more seasons, during tidal inundation, or
only temporarily during and after rainfall or snowmelt.
At times water might not be present at the land surface,
but might be close enough to the land surface to
maintain the vegetation and foods that are needed by
birds. Birds may use wetlands located in depressions in
an otherwise dry landscape, along streams, or in tidally
influenced areas near shorelines.
The availability or influence of water is a very important
wetland feature to birds. It is not, however, the only
feature that determines if birds will be present, how
birds use the wetland, or how many kinds or numbers of
birds may use the wetland. Other determining physical or
biological factors include water depth and temperature,
presence or absence of vegetation, patchiness or openness
of vegetation, type of vegetation, foods, water chemistry,
type of soils, and geographic or topographic location.
Any variations in any of these wetland features will cause
subtle, but distinct, differences in bird use.
Wetlands provide food for birds in the form of plants,
vertebrates, and invertebrates. Some feeders forage for
food in the wetland soils, some find food in the water
column, and some feed on the vertebrates and
invertebrates that live on submersed and emergent
plants. Vegetarian birds eat the fruits, tubers, and
leaves of wetland plants. Water temperatures influence
food production. Invertebrate production in the water
column may ultimately depend on water temperature and
the ability of a wetland to produce algae. Cold water
might not be a hospitable environment for small animals
and plants that some wetland birds eat. However, water
that is too warm also might not produce foods that some
birds prefer. |
The geographic location of a wetland may determine how and when
birds will use it.
Wetland vegetation provides shelter from predators and from the
weather. The presence or absence of shelter may influence
whether birds will inhabit a wetland or a nearby upland
area. Predators are likely to abound where birds
concentrate, breed, or raise their young. Wetlands form
an important buffer or barrier to land-based predators and
reduce the risk of predation to nesting or young birds.
However, some predators, such as the raccoon (fig. 31),
are well adapted to both wetland and upland environments,
and take large numbers of both young and nesting birds.
Mink forage for nesting or sleeping birds along the edges
and interiors of wetlands. Other animals, such as the
snapping turtle, the alligator (fig. 32), or the
large-mouthed bass, are effective water-based predators of
young birds, particularly young waterfowl. Snakes take
their toll as well. Many bird species that are highly
adapted to feeding in a wetlandenvironment also have
genetic adaptations that lower their risk of becoming
prey. One such example is the bittern (fig. 33), which
has excellent protective coloration. The same vegetation
that hides birds from predators also provides some shelter
from severe weather. In spring, during cold and stormy
weather, waterfowl such as canvasback ducks protect their
young in the shelter of a marsh that is almost
impenetrable to wind.
(Larger Version, 66K JPEG) |
Figure 31. The raccoon is a wetland predator that eats eggs
and preys on birds. (Photograph courtesy of National Biological
Service.) |
(Larger Version, 83K JPEG) |
Figure 32. The American alligator is an effective and
voracious predator of wetland birds in the South. (Photograph courtesy of
National Biological Service.) |
(Larger Version, 66K JPEG) |
Figure 33. This American bittern, with its protective
coloration, is well hidden in the vegetation. (Photograph by James Leopold,
National Biological Service.) |
The geographic location of a wetland may determine how and when birds
will use it or use adjacent habitat. In the northern
latitudes or at high altitudes, some wetlands are covered
with ice in the winter and are temporarily "out of
service" for birds adapted to a water environment, but
emergent vegetation might still offer shelter and food for
some species. Birds that eat fish, aquatic invertebrates,
or submersed vegetation cannot forage for food because of
the ice cover. Some wetlands are on the migration path of
waterfowl and other migratory birds and provide stopover
locations for traveling birds (fig. 34). These birds
might feed in agricultural fields during the day and
return to the shelter of wetlands during the night.
(Larger Version, 99K
Figure 34. Major flyway corridors for migrating
birds in the Western Hemisphere. (Source:
From U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service files.)
The "prairie potholes" are a special type of wetland, found in the
north-central part of the United States. These potholes
are an example of a wetland type that is important to
migrating waterfowl. Here the timing and duration of
inundation and the salinity of the water are important
factors in the production of plants and invertebrates used
by birds. These, and many other wetland characteristics,
are influenced by a number of things:
- Water-level fluctuations throughout the year, in
response to rainfall and snowmelt, that maintain
wetland zones such as wet meadows and marshes
- Short-term (years) and long-term (decades) climatic
trends that cycle wetlands between a wet and dry
- Interaction of surface and ground water
- Interaction of ground water with rocks and soils
that influence salinity and other wetland water
Because of the great variety of wetlands, bird adaptation to and use
of wetland environments differs greatly from species to
species. Birds' use of wetlands during breeding cycles
ranges widely. Some birds depend on wetlands almost
totally for breeding, nesting, feeding, or shelter during
their breeding cycles. Birds that need functional access
to a wetland or wetland products during their life cycle,
especially during the breeding season, can be called
"wetland dependent" (table 5). Other birds use wetlands
only for some of their needs, or they might use both
wetland and upland habitats. Of the more than 1,900 bird
species that breed in North America, about 138 species in
the conterminous United States are wetland dependent
(American Ornithologists'Union, 1983).
(Larger Version, 149K JPEG) |
Table 5. Wetland-dependent breeding birds of the conterminous
United States, including federally endangered or threatened species and
(Larger Version,149K JPEG) |
Table 5 (continued). Wetland-dependent breeding birds of the
conterminous United States, including federally endangered or threatened species
and subspecies1,2
Many bird species use forested wetlands as well as forested uplands,
feeding on the abundant insects associated with trees
(fig. 35). These birds are not dependent on wetlands
because they use both habitats equally well. Some birds,
such as wood ducks, are found primarily in forested
wetlands and are dependent on this wetland type.
migratory birds are wetland dependent, using wetlands
during their migration and breeding seasons. Migratory
birds may spend the winter in wetlands in the Southern
United States, or farther south (fig. 34). Throughout
winter, these birds use southern wetlands for food and
nutrients to sustain them for their return trip north
and the breeding season.
(Larger Version, 66K
Figure 35. Prothonotary warblers feed on insects
of forested wetlands and uplands alike.
(Photograph courtesy of National Biological
Service.) |
Not all wetlands are of equal value to waterfowl and other birds. An
inventory in the conterminous United States during the
early 1950's showed that of 74.4 million acres of
wetlands, 8.8 million acres had a high value for
waterfowl, 13.6 million acres were of moderate value, 24.1
million acres were of low value, and 27.9 million acres
were of negligible value (Shaw and Fredine, 1956, p. 17).
These categories were identified on a State-by-State basis
and were ranked according to use by waterfowl, with "high"
being most used. The primary focus of this inventory was
waterfowl; thus these rankings might not reflect wetland
values for other birds. Also, the inventory was for only
natural wetlands that had been little altered by human
activities. The three areas of highest value are the
Mississippi River corridor southward from Cairo, Ill., and
westward along the Texas gulf coast; the entire east coast
from Maine southward through most of Florida; and the
northern Midwest.
Widespread draining and altering of wet-lands has affected bird
Considerable research has increased the understanding of wetlands'
influence on the numbers of waterfowl that breed and their
breeding success. However, the relation between wetlands
and the population and propagation of various waterfowl
species is not well understood. This relation depends on:
(1) the number of wetlands in the area; (2) the wetlands'
size and water depth; (3) whether the wetlands hold open
water in the early spring or through late August; (4) the
climate; and (5) the species of bird and the bird's
adaptations to wetlands.
In the prairie pothole region
in the late 1970's, for example, as the number of
wetlands in an area increased, populations of dabbling
ducks increased, but at a ratio of less than 1:1 (fig.
36). In the past 20 years, the duck-pothole ratio has
decreased, possibly due to decreases in upland cover and
increases in predation. Bellrose (1977) also found
waterfowl densities and propagation to be related to the
number of wetlands per square mile; generally, waterfowl
densities and propagation increased as the number of
wetlands increased. However, he found that mallard
production decreased when the number of wetlands
exceeded 12 per square mile. |
(Larger Version, 50K JPEG) |
Figure 36. The relation of pond density increase to number of
ducks. (Source: After Bellrose, 1977.)
Different waterfowl species adapt to different wetland types, inhabit different
geographic areas, and nest at different times. The relation of many other
species of birds to wetlands are undoubtedly just as complex.
Widespread draining and altering of wetlands has affected bird
populations. |
About one-third of North American bird species use wetlands for food,
shelter, and (or) breeding (Kroodsma, 1979). Thus,
widespread draining and altering of wetlands has affected
bird populations. Because most of the wetland drainage and
alteration occurred between the 1930's and 1950, before
scientific estimates of bird populations began, most
estimates of population declines are inferred. Before the
passage of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act in 1918, the
reduction in waterfowl populations was blamed largely on
excessive hunting and wetland drainage (Day, 1959).
However, since 1930 most of the reduction has been
attributed to the loss or degradation of wetlands
(Bellrose and Trudeau, 1988) and the loss of suitable
upland habitats that surround wetlands. |
For most wetland-dependent birds, habitat loss in breeding areas
translates directly into population losses. As wetlands
are destroyed, some birds may move to other less suitable
habitats, but reproduction tends to be lower and mortality
tends to be higher. Hence, the birds that breed in these
poorer quality habitats will not contribute to a
sustainable population through the years (Pulliam and
Danielson, 1991).
About one-half of the 188 animals
that are federally designated as endangered or
threatened are wetland dependent (Niering, 1988). Of
these, 17 are bird species or subspecies (table 5).
These birds are categorized as endangered or threatened
because their populations are so low that the risk of
their extinction is real and immediate. The
circumstances that cause each species or subspecies to
be endangered differ greatly. |
Wetland loss due to draining, filling, or altering of surface-water
and ground-water flow is a concern to many people.
Wetland degradation also has a substantial effect on
birds. Although wetland degradation is a serious problem,
it is one that is more subtle and less understood than
wetland losses. Degradation can take many forms:
Amounts and periodicity of water supplies can be
The quality of water flowing into and through a
wetland can be modified
The flows of sediments or freshwater to coastal
marshes can be reduced
Water levels can be stabilized in wetlands that
otherwise would undergo beneficial drawdowns or
water-table fluctuations
Wetland vegetation may be altered by harvesting or
by introducing exotic species, making it of little or
no value to wetland-dependent birds |
An example of wetland degradation is found in the Chesapeake Bay
region. Nutrients and sediments entering the bay from
agricultural, urban, and industrial areas have caused
increased algal blooms, decreased invertebrate production,
and lowered oxygen levels. This degradation has reduced
the acreage of seagrasses that form an important link in
the food chain for invertebrates, fish, and
wetland-dependent birds. The decline in the canvasback
duck population in this area is thought to be directly
related to the decline in seagrasses.
Chemicals and
sediments that move from agricultural areas into
wetlands are two of the most pervasive sources of
degradation. The shift in human populations from inland
areas to coastal areas of the United States has caused
problems in coastal wetlands through overloaded sewage
treatment systems. The large and growing volume of
industrial wastes that enter ground- and surface-water
supplies also threatens to degrade wetlands. These
threats, combined with habitat destruction, have a net
negative effect on the population of wetland birds.
Thus, if the amount and quality of wetland habitat is
substantially reduced, populations of wetland-dependent
birds in the area also can be expected to
decrease. |
Many people believe that ownership or management of wetlands by
conservation agencies, such as the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, and by private organizations, such as
the Nature Conservancy or the National Audubon Society,
offers the best assurance that the highest value wetlands
will be maintained for future generations. (A discussion
of the agencies and organizations that participate in
management and conservation of wetlands in each State can
be found in the State Summaries section of this
A few early concerns for wetlands important to
waterfowl are reflected in the creation of the first
national wildlife refuge and in the establishment of the
Federal Duck Stamp program. The first national wildlife
refuge was created in 1903, by President Theodore
Roosevelt, to protect a wetland--Pelican Island, Florida
(U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, [1995]). Concern for
the loss of waterfowl led to the Federal Duck Stamp
program that began in 1934 (Mitsch and Gosselink, 1993)
and continues today. Duck stamps are sold to waterfowl
hunters to provide money for the purchase or
preservation of wetlands (fig. 37).
(Larger Version, 99K JPEG) |
Figure 37. The purchase of duck stamps provides funds for the
acquisition or protection of wetlands important to waterfowl. (Source: U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service.)
Several international treaties are partly responsible for much of the
formal wetland protection in this country--the Migratory
Bird Treaty and the Convention on Wetlands of
International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat.
"In 1918, the U[nited] S[tates] passed into law the
Migratory Bird Treaty Act, ratifying a treaty with Great
Britain, on behalf of Canada, that recognized the
conservation responsibilities for more than 800 species of
migratory birds shared by the two countries" (U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, [1995]). Subsequent to that act,
the United States developed the National Wildlife Refuge
System consisting of 500 reserves--many of which are
wetlands important to birds--comprising more than 90
million acres (fig. 38). The system has the highest
ratio of wetlands to dry land in public ownership. The
National Park Service manages the Everglades National Park
and several preserves that also have high ratios of
wetlands to dry lands. |
The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as
Waterfowl Habitat, more commonly known as the "Ramsar
Convention" is an intergovernmental treaty for
international cooperation for the conservation of wetland
habitats. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is
responsible for implementation of the convention in the
United States. A "List of Wetlands of International
Importance" has been developed by the convention. Sites
on this list are known as "Ramsar Sites" and are wetlands
that convention members have a special obligation to
preserve. There are 15 Ramsar sites in this country (fig.
(Larger Version, 66K
Figure 38. Location of National Fish and Wildlife
Refuge System reserves and Ramsar sites in the
United States. (Source: U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, 1993, [1995].)
About one-half of the 188 animals that are federally designated as endangered or
threatened are wetland dependent.
Human activities have caused shifts in wetland-dependent bird
populations since European settlement of the United
States, especially since the beginning of the 20th
century. Many acres of wetlands were drained between
the 1930's and 1950, well before any of the national
bird surveys were begun. As a result, it is not
possible to accurately determine the effects of habitat
destruction on long-term wetland bird populations.
It is apparent that there have been many changes in the
distribution and numbers of wetland birds. Wetlands on
breeding, migratory, or wintering areas are all
important to sustain bird populations. As the wetland
habitats in these areas are drained or altered, the
ability of these areas to sustain bird populations
decreases. Each species of wetland-dependent bird has a
unique and complex set of needs for wetland habitats
that makes it difficult to generalize about how loss or
degradation of wetlands affects bird populations. It
seems reasonable to expect, however, that as the numbers
of wetlands in a region decline, so too will the numbers
of wetland-dependent birds.
In some parts of the United States, extensive wetland losses have
displaced birds from large areas. Continued wetland
losses probably will cause continued losses of wetland
birds. However, recent recognition of the wetland
values, and the effects of their losses, have provided
incentives to maintain and restore wetlands. |
American Ornithologists' Union, 1983, Check-list of North American Birds:
Lawrence, Kans., Allen Press, Inc., 6th edition, 877 p.
Bellrose, F.C., 1977, Species distribution, habitats, and characteristics of
breeding dabbling ducks in North America, in Bookhout, T.A., 1977, Waterfowl and
wetlands--An integrated review: Proceedings of a symposium held at the 39th
Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, Wis., La Crosse Printing Co., Inc,
152 p.
Bellrose, F. C., and Trudeau, N.M., 1988, Wetlands and their relationship to
migrating and winter populations of waterfowl, v. I: Portland, Oreg., Timber
Press, p. 183-194.
Dahl, T.E., and Johnson, C.E., 1991, Wetlands--Status and trends in the
conterminous United States, mid-1970's to mid-1980's: Washington, D.C., U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, 22 p.
Day, A.M., 1959, North American waterfowl: Harrisburg, Pa., Stackpole Co.,
363 p.
Ehrlich, P.R., Dobkin, D.S., and Wheye, Darryl, 1992, Birds in jeopardy:
Stanford, California, Stanford University Press, 260 p.
Kroodsma, D. E., 1979, Habitat values for nongame wetland birds, in Greeson,
P.E., Clark, J.R., and Clark, J.E. eds., 1979, Wetland functions and values--The
state of our understanding: Minneapolis, Minn., American Water Resources
Association, p. 320-343.
Mitsch, W.J., and Gosselink, J.G., 1993, Wetlands: New York, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 722 p.
Niering, W.A., 1988, Endangered, threatened and rare wetland plants and animals
of the continental United States, in Hook, D.D., McKee, W.H., Jr., Smith, H.K.,
and others, 1988, The ecology and management of wetlands--Volume I--The ecology
of wetlands: Portland, Oreg., Timber Press, 592 p.
Pulliam, H.R., and Danielson, B.J., 1991, Sources, sinks and habitat selection--A
landscape perspective on population dynamics: The American Naturalist, v. 137,
p. 850-866.
Shaw, S.P., and Fredine, C.G., 1956, Wetlands of the United States--Their extent
and their value to waterfowl and other wildlife: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Circular 39, 67 p.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1993, Annual report of lands under control of the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as of September 30, 1993: Division of Realty, 43
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, [1995], Wetlands of International
Importance--United States Participation in the "Ramsar" Convention, Ramsar, Iran,
1971, 11 p.
For Additional Information: Robert E. Stewart, Jr., National Biological Service,
Southern Science Center, 700 Cajundome Boulevard, Lafayette, LA