USGS - science for a changing world

Hydroecology of Flowing Waters


Contact Information

Morgan M. Maglio
430 National Center
Reston, VA 20192
703-648-5484 - Fax

Morgan M. Maglio

Research Associate
U.S. Geological Survey, Headquarters, Water Resources Discipline

Morgan Maglio received her undergraduate degree in mathematics (2006) and her master's degree in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (2008) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She joined the USGS National Research Program as a research associate for the Hydroecology of Flowing Waters team in 2009.

Morgan's graduate research focused on global ocean biogeochemistry and effects on global climate, including implementing coupled silicon cycle - carbon cycle parameterizations within a GCM from the National Center for Atmospheric Research. As a USGS research associate, Morgan performs field, numerical, and laboratory analyses of hydroecological processes in streams and wetlands. Current projects focus on the Florida Everglades and streams in Northern Virginia and North Carolina.

Curriculum Vitae (PDF)

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