UZF sink conc in SSM: Sink and Source Mixing Package Pane

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The UZF sink conc in SSM: Sink and Source Mixing Package pane is on the MODFLOW Features tab of the Object Properties dialog box.

This tab is used for specifying the concentration of seepage flux from the unsaturated zone in the Unsaturated Zone Flow (UZF) package.

The data that can be specified in this pane are the Starting time, Ending time, and Sink concentration (CGWET).

Starting time and Ending time are explained in the help for the MODFLOW Features tab.

CGWET is the concentration of seepage flux for a particular species. Note that the concentration of a sink cannot be greater than that of the aquifer at the sink cell. Thus, if the sink concentration is specified greater than that of the aquifer, it is automatically set equal to the concentration of the aquifer. Also note that the location and flow rate of seepage are obtained from the flow model directly through the unformatted flow-transport link file.