You will need to override some of the default solver properties.
Complexity = Complex
Pseudo-transient continuation = Don't use PTC for any stress period.
Outer DVClose = 0.0001
Outer maximum iteration = 2000
Under-relaxation scheme = DBD
Under-relaxation theta = 0.7
Under-relaxation kappa = 0.08
Under-relaxation gamma = 0.05
Under-relaxation momentum = 0
Backtracking number = 20
Backtracking tolerance = 2
Backtracking reduction factor = 0.2
Backtracking residual limit = 0.0005
Inner maximum iteration = 100
Inner DVClose = 0.00001
Inner RClose = 0.0001
Rclose option = Relative
Linear acceleration = BICGSTAB
Preconditioner levels = 8
Preconditioner drop tolerance = 0.001
Relaxation factor = 0
Number of orthogonalizations = 2