Summary |
ModelMuse provides a graphical user interface for creating the flow and transport input file for PHAST and the input files for MODFLOW. It uses objects (points, lines, and polygons) and formulas to define the spatial distribution of aquifer properties in a convenient fashion. ModelMuse can also be used to create the grids required by PHAST and MODFLOW and to edit nonspatial data required by PHAST and MODFLOW. The use of formulas has several benefits: (1) objects can have a third dimension that varies; (2) complicated distributions of values in data sets can be easily specified; and (3) changes to the grid can be made without requiring the user to reenter data. Just as the spatial distribution of data is independent of the grid, the temporal distribution of data in boundary conditions is independent of the temporal discretization of the model. ModelMuse combines all the times specified throughout the model to determine the proper temporal discretization of the model. ModelMuse allows the user to display the spatial input graphically. This display makes it easier for the user to avoid and detect errors in the input, thus making the modeling process more efficient and accurate. ModelMuse has built-in methods for importing data from DXF files and Shapefiles. It also has several built-in interpolation methods.