SFR: MODFLOW 6 Streamflow Routing Package Pane

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The Streamflow Routing package in MODFLOW-2005 organizes stream reaches into stream segments. Connections between reaches in the same segment are identified automatically whereas the modeler must specify connections among stream segments. In MODFLOW 6, only reaches are defined and the modeler must specify all connections among reaches. In ModelMuse, the connections among stream reaches specified by the same object are identified automatically. The modeler must assign a segment number to each object and these are used to identify connections among stream reaches specified using different objects. This segment number is not part of the input to MODFLOW 6 but instead is used as a way of simplifying the input for the user.

Segments must be defined with point or polyline objects. The first vertex in the object defining the stream is at the upstream end of the stream. You can reverse the order of the vertices in an object using "Object|Edit|Reverse Selected Objects."

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hmtoggle_plus1Downstream Segments

See also: SFR: MODFLOW-6 Streamflow Routing Package Pane on the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box.