RMA: Parameters |
The next variation is to make the hydraulic conductivity vary spatially using parameters. First change the layer back to a confined layer. To define the parameters select Model|MODFLOW Packages and Programs... The LPF package will be selected by default and within it select HK from the list of parameter types. Change the number of parameters to 2 and name one Low_K and the other High_K. Set the value of Low_K to 50 and High_K to 150. Check the Use Zone checkbox for each parameter and click the OK button to close the dialog box.
Click the Create polygon object button and draw a polygon around the left half of the model and use it to set the High_K_Zone data set to true. (It is on the Data Sets tab of the Object Properties dialog box under "Required|HK Parameter.") Draw another polygon around the right half of the model and use it to set the Low_K_Zone data set to True. Now color the grid with the Kx data set. Kx should be 150 in the left half and 50 in the right half. Execute the model and import the results as before. See how the results differ from the original results.