RCH: Recharge Package Pane

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The RCH: Recharge package pane is on the MODFLOW Features tab of the Object Properties dialog box.

The data that can be specified for the Recharge package are the Starting time, Ending time, Recharge rate, and sometimes Recharge layer. Whether or not Recharge layer is present depends on the choice of return location in the RCH: Recharge package pane of the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box. If Specified layer was selected on the RCH: Recharge package pane but Time varying recharge layers was not selected, the layer at any location will be determined by the layer of the lowest cell selected by the object at that location.

Starting time and Ending time are explained in the help for the MODFLOW Features tab.

Recharge rate is the recharge flux (L/t). Positive values represent flux into the groundwater.

Recharge layer is the layer indicator variable. For each horizontal location, it indicates the layer to which recharge is removed. If some layers are nonsimulated, it is important to remember that Recharge layer represents the MODFLOW layer not the layer in the ModelMuse model. ModelMuse layers include both simulated and nonsimulated layers.

If parameters are used with an object, a multiplier for Recharge rate must be defined for each parameter. MODFLOW will multiply the multiplier by the parameter value (specified in the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box) to determine the recharge rate to apply.

Time-series interpolation

In MODFLOW 6, time series files can specify the times and values to use for a boundary condition.

When MODFLOW 6 needs data from a time series or time-array series for a time interval representing a time step or subtime step, the series is queried to provide a time-averaged value or array of values for the requested time interval. For each series, the user specifies an interpolation method that determines how the value is assumed to behave between listed times. The interpolation method thus determines how the time averaging is performed. When a time-array series is used, interpolation is performed on an element-by-element basis to generate a 2-D array of interpolated values as needed.

The supported interpolation methods are STEPWISE, LINEAR, and LINEAREND. When the STEPWISE interpolation method is used, the value is assumed to remain constant at the value specified in one time-series record until the time listed in the subsequent record, when the value changes abruptly to the new value. In the LINEAR interpolation method, the value is assumed to change linearly between times listed in sequential records. LINEAREND is like LINEAR, except that instead of using the average value over a time step, the value at the end of a time step is used.

ModelMuse uses time-series interpolation when parameters are used. The parameter value becomes the SFAC (scale factor) in the time-series file.

ModelMuse sets the interpolation method to STEPWISE for all boundary conditions in which it is used except for the CHD package in which it is set to LINEAREND.

ModelMuse does not currently support time-series interpolation because it slows down MODFLOW to much as implemented in ModelMuse. Support for time-series interpolation may be supported in a future version of ModelMuse but in a different form.

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