Regularization Options Pane

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The Regularization Options pane is on the PEST Properties dialog box under Regularization.

The variables specified on the Regularization Options pane are described in the PEST User Manual, Part I, Section 9.3. More extensive descriptions of these variables are in the PEST user manual. The variables specified on this pane appear in the Regularisation analysis section of the PEST control file.

IREGADJ If IREGADJ is provided with a value of zero, then no inter-regularization-group weights adjustment takes place. However if IREGADJ is provided with a non-zero value, this instructs PEST to vary relatively of regularization weighting in ways that are discussed in Section 9.3 of the PEST User Manual. IREGADJ can be specified directly in an edit box or indirectly by choosing options in the three groups of radio buttons at the top of the pane.

NOPTREGADJ is required if IREGADJ is set to 4. NOPTREGADJ specifies the optimisation interval at which regularization weights are re-calculated

REGWEIGHTRAT is required if IREGADJ is set to 4. REGWEIGHTRAT specifies the ratio of the highest to lowest regularization weight enforced through the weights compression process.

REGSINGTHRESH is required if IREGADJ is set to 4 or 5. REGSINGTHRESH defines the singular value ratio which is deemed to separate the calibration solution space from the calibration null space for the purpose of assigning a weight to each regularization observation and prior information equation.