Prediction Analysis Termination Pane |
The Prediction Analysis Termination pane is on the PEST Properties dialog box under Prediction Analysis.
The variables specified on the Prediction Analysis Termination pane are described in the PEST User Manual, Part I, Section 8.3. More extensive descriptions of these variables are in the PEST user manual. The variables specified on this pane appear in the Predictive analysis section of the PEST control file. All these variables are termination criteria.
NPREDNORED If NPREDNORED iterations have passed since PEST has been able to improve the model prediction, PEST will terminate. A good setting for NPREDNORED is 4.
ABSPREDSTP, RELPREDSTP, and NPREDSTP If the NPREDSTP best predictions are within an absolute distance of ABSPREDSTP of each other, or are within a relative distance of RELPREDSTP of each other, PEST will terminate execution. A good setting for RELPREDSTP is 0.005. The setting for ABSPREDSTP is context-dependent; set ABSPREDSTP to 0.0 if you wish it to have no effect (which is normally the case). A good setting for NPREDSTP is 4.