Basic Pane

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The Basic Pane is in the PEST Properties dialog box.

The Basic pane is where you

activate or deactivate PEST in ModelMuse,

specify the parameter, formula, and array substitution delimiters, and

specify the directory in which PEST is installed.

The parameter delimiter is explained in section 2.2.3 of the PEST user manual Part I. When PEST creates the input file of a model from a template file, the parameter delimiter is used to mark a location into which a parameter value should be inserted. In addition to the parameter delimiter, two other delimiter must also be specified: the formula delimiter and the array substitution delimiter. These are not part of PEST. Instead they are used by the "EnhancedTemplateProcessor" which is a utility program developed in conjunction with ModelMuse to do additional processing in template files. EnhancedTemplateProcessor can evaluate formulas included in template files and it can substitute values from arrays into template files. Because PEST may modify the arrays each time it runs the simulation, the array values that are substituted can be affected by the parameter estimation process.

The PEST directory should contain, PEST, the PEST Utility programs distributed with PEST, the PEST groundwater utilities, and PLPROC. All of these can be downloaded from