MODPATH Time Series Display Pane |
The MODPATH Time Series Display pane is on the Data Visualization dialog box. It is used to import a time-series file generated by MODPATH and to control how the time series are displayed. The MODPATH Time Series Display pane is displayed by selecting MODPATH Time Series on the Data Visualization dialog box.
The MODPATH Time Series Display dialog box has two tabs: Basic and Options.
MODPATH time series file is the name of the time-series file to be displayed. Time to plot: The value displayed in this edit box indicates which of the times in the time-series file will be used when plotting the positions of the points in the time series. If the up or down arrows are used to change the value that is displayed. the new value will be applied immediately. Show time series: If this checkbox is checked, the time-series points will be displayed. (In MODFLOW 6 models, time-series points are only displayed on the front view if the cross section has an angle of zero.) Limit to current column, row and layer in 2D views: If this checkbox is checked, only those time series that are in the current layer (top view), current row (front view) or current column (side view) will be displayed. Checking this checkbox helps keep the display from being hard to understand because too many time series are displayed. Time series size (pixels): This is the size in pixels at which time series points will be displayed. Different color schemes can be used to associate a given value of the data set, boundary condition, or MODPATH data with a color. The desired color scheme is selected in the combo box near the bottom of the dialog box. The range of colors in the selected color scheme is displayed below the combo box. To cycle through the range of colors for a color scheme more than one time, change the value in the edit box labeled Cycles. Because different monitors will display the colors slightly differently, the color adjustment can be used to optimize the appearance of the data. See Light and Bartlein (2004, 2005), and Stephenson (2005) for more information about color schemes. If the model has one or more child models, you must choose the correct model in Model selection. |
What to show: These radio buttons are used to limit which time series are displayed.
Show all: All the time series will be displayed.
Specify columns, rows, and/or layers to show: The values entered for the Lower and Upper limits for Layers, Rows, and Columns will be used to determine which time series will be displayed. Only those points in the time series that meet the criteria will be displayed.
Specify starting columns, rows, and/or layers to show: The values entered for the Lower and Upper limits for Layers, Rows, and Columns will be used to determine which time series will be displayed. Only those time series whose starting points meet the criteria will be displayed.
Specify ending columns, rows, and/or layers to show: The values entered for the Lower and Upper limits for Layers, Rows, and Columns will be used to determine which time series will be displayed. Only those time series whose ending points meet the criteria will be displayed.
Color by: These radio buttons are used to select the data used to color the time series.
None: The time series will all be black.
Particle index: The times series points will be colored according to the number assigned to each particle by MODPATH of the point in the time series specified by Time to plot. If the check box for Color Limits is checked, the Lower and Upper limits will determine the color for the points whose particle numbers lie between Lower and Upper limits. Time series points whose particle numbers values lie outside the Lower and Upper limits will be colored black.
X': The time series points will be colored according to the X' coordinate (X coordinate in the grid coordinate system) of the point in the time series specified by Time to plot. If the check box for Color Limits is checked, the Lower and Upper limits will determine the color for the points whose X' values lie between Lower and Upper limits. Time series points whose X' values lie outside the Lower and Upper limits will be colored black.
Y': The time series points will be colored according to the Y' coordinate (Y coordinate in the grid coordinate system) of the point in the time series specified by Time to plot. If the check box for Color Limits is checked, the Lower and Upper limits will determine the color for the points whose Y' values lie between Lower and Upper limits. Time series points whose Y' values lie outside the Lower and Upper limits will be colored black.
Z: The time series points will be colored according to the Z coordinate of the point in the time series specified by Time to plot. If the check box for Color Limits is checked, the Lower and Upper limits will determine the color for the points whose Z values lie between Lower and Upper limits. Time series points whose Z values lie outside the Lower and Upper limits will be colored black.
Starting X': The time series points will be colored according to the X' coordinate (X coordinate in the grid coordinate system) of the first point in the time series. If the check box for Color Limits is checked, the Lower and Upper limits will determine the color for the points whose starting X' values lie between Lower and Upper limits. Time series points whose starting X' values lie outside the Lower and Upper limits will be colored black.
Starting Y': The time series points will be colored according to the Y' coordinate (Y coordinate in the grid coordinate system) of the first point in the time series. If the check box for Color Limits is checked, the Lower and Upper limits will determine the color for the points whose starting Y' values lie between Lower and Upper limits. Time series points whose starting Y' values lie outside the Lower and Upper limits will be colored black.
Starting Z: The time series points will be colored according to the Z coordinate of the first point in the time series. If the check box for Color Limits is checked, the Lower and Upper limits will determine the color for the points whose starting Z values lie between Lower and Upper limits. Time series points whose starting Z values lie outside the Lower and Upper limits will be colored black.
Ending X': The time series points will be colored according to the X' coordinate (X coordinate in the grid coordinate system) of the last point in the time series. If the check box for Color Limits is checked, the Lower and Upper limits will determine the color for the points whose ending X' values lie between Lower and Upper limits. Time series points whose ending X' values lie outside the Lower and Upper limits will be colored black.
Ending Y': The time series points will be colored according to the Y' coordinate (Y coordinate in the grid coordinate system) of the last point in the time series. If the check box for Color Limits is checked, the Lower and Upper limits will determine the color for the points whose ending Y' values lie between Lower and Upper limits. Time series points whose ending Y' values lie outside the Lower and Upper limits will be colored black.
Ending Z: The time series points will be colored according to the Z coordinate of the last point in the time series. If the check box for Color Limits is checked, the Lower and Upper limits will determine the color for the points whose ending Z values lie between Lower and Upper limits. Time series points whose ending Z values lie outside the Lower and Upper limits will be colored black.
Group: The time series points will be colored according to the particle group number to which they belong. In ModelMuse, each object that defines the starting locations of particles defines a separate group number. Group numbers are not included in MODPATH 5.