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Navigation: Online Guide to MODPATH 5

Main Data File

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The main data file is used by MODPATH and MODPATH-PLOT to define most of the basic elements of the MODPATH simulation. Although most of the data in this file is used by both MODPATH and MODPATH-PLOT, some data is specific to one program or the other. MODPATH and MODPATH-PLOT are designed to read data from a single main data file. Each of the programs ignores those data items that are specific to the other program. The MODPATH main data file is opened in the Name file as type MAIN.

The main data file consists of 6 data items:

Item 1 -- Specifications

Item 2 -- Options

Item 3 -- Confining Bed Codes

Item 4 -- Boundary Array

Item 5 -- Porosity

Item 6 -- Stress Period and Time Step Data

Data item 6 is omitted for steady-state simulations. Detailed instructions for these data items follow.


Data Set








Items 6A and 6B are required only for transient simulations:



BeginPeriod  BeginStep  EndPeriod  EndStep

Data item 6b marks the range of time steps that will be processed from the MODFLOW cell-bycell budget file and used to generate the MODPATH composite budget file. The MODFLOW cell-by-cell budget file must contain data for all of the time steps within the range specified in data item 6b. The MODFLOW cell-by-cell budget file also may contain data for time steps that are outside of the specified range.

Item 6b is not read if the MODPATH analysis uses an existing composite budget file.