Grid unit data can be provided in two forms: (1) as an integer array of grid unit numbers, or (2) as an array of real numbers that MODPATH-PLOT converts to an integer array of grid unit numbers using interval ranges specified by the user. An interactive option is provided to display a legend for grid unit array data. The grid unit array file has the following structure:
Data Set
Option-- is a keyword code:
ZONES indicates that an integer array of grid unit numbers will be read.
RANGES indicates that a real-number array will be read.
Title-- is a text string that will be used as the legend title when a legend is displayed
Format: 2-D array reader (U2DINT or U2DREL)
GUarray-- is an integer array of grid unit numbers if the ZONES option is in effect, or an array of real numbers if the RANGES option is in effect. For a standard 3-D model, GUarray is read as a series of 2-D arrays, one layer at a time. If the model is a 1-row cross section specified with the XSECTION option, GUarray is read as a single 2-D array for the cross section. When an integer array is entered, a value of 0 designates a grid cell that should not be shaded.
If the RANGES option is in effect, include the following data items that define the ranges used to compute the integer grid unit array used by MODPATH-PLOT:
GUnumber MinValue MaxValue
GUnumber-- is the grid unit number (> 0) assigned to values of GUarray that fall in this range.
MinValue-- defines the minimum value of the range.
MaxValue-- defines the maximum value of the range.
Open-ended ranges can be specified using the symbols < and > in place of the minimum and maximum values, respectively. Specifying "<" for the minimum value sets the minimum = -1030. Specifying ">" for the maximum value sets the maximum = 1030. The minimum and maximum values specified for each grid unit number will be used to generate legend entries when a legend is displayed.
Or, if the ZONES option is in effect, include the following data items that define the legend entries that will be displayed for the grid unit data when a legend is displayed:
GUnumber LegendText
GUnumber-- is the grid unit number (> 0) that corresponds to the legend entry.
LegendText-- text string for the legend entry.
The number of legend entries defined can be less than the total number of zones in the grid unit data.
The color and hatch style associated with each grid unit number is set in the settings file.