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Model Features in MODFLOW

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In MODFLOW models, Model Features are used to define some or all of the spatial data in the following packages as well as IFACE and the starting particle distribution in MODPATH.

CHD: Time-Variant Specified-Head package

CFP: Conduit Flow package

CHOB: Specified-Head Flow Observation package

DRN: Drain package

DROB: Drain Observation package

DRT: Drain Return package

ETS: Evapotranspiration Segments package

EVT: Evapotranspiration package

FHB: Flow and Head Boundary package

FMP: Farm process

GHB: General-Head Boundary package

GBOB: General-Head-Boundary Observation package

HFB: Horizontal Flow Barrier package

HOB: Head Observation package

LAK: Lake package

MAW: Multi-Aquifer Well package

MNW1: Multi-Node Well package (version 1)

MNW2; Multi-Node Well package (version 2)

MVR: Water Mover package

RCH: Recharge package

RES: Reservoir package

RIV: River package

RVOB: River Observation package

SFR: Stream-Flow Routing package

STR: Stream package

UZF: Unsaturated-Zone Flow package

WEL: Well package

The user specifies a start and end time for the boundary condition. The user does not need to define boundary conditions by stress period because ModelMuse can determine the appropriate stress periods based on the times specified by the user.