Lakes Pane |
The Lakes pane is on the SUTRA Options dialog box. It is used for setting parameters relating to the lake capability in SUTRA 3.0. Lakes can only be used in layered 3D models in which all of the nodes in all the layer are in the same horizontal position as in other layers.
Use lakes: Check this check box to activate the Lake capability in SUTRA.
Specify lake bottom (CBOT): If this checkbox is checked, the Lake_Bottom data set will be created. It will be used to define the bottom of the lake instead of the node elevations.
All nodes on the top layer can be lake nodes (LKAR): If this check box is checked, all nodes in the top layer are eligible to be lake nodes. and the .lkar file is not used in the SUTRA model.
Specify lake bottom (CBOT): If this chick box is checked, the user must specify the elevation of the bottom of each lake node in the Lake_Bottom data set. Because the lake bottom is part of the .lkar input file, it can only be specified is the LKAR checkbox is not checked.
Default runoff fraction for recharge (FRROD): Default value of the fraction of groundwater recharge diverted as runoff from generalized-flow nodes. This default value is applied to the basins of all lakes not identified using objects.
Default runoff fraction for discharge (FDROD): Default value of the fraction of groundwater discharge diverted as runoff from generalized-flow nodes. This default value is applied to the basins of all lakes not identified using objects.
Output value for stage at non-submerged lake node (RNOLK): Value output (in place of lake stage and lake depth) to the “.lkst” output file at nodes not submerged by lake water. Typically, this is set to a value that will never be the actual value of lake stage or lake depth.