Initial Set Up

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1.Start ModelMuse by double-clicking its icon. The Start-Up dialog box will appear. Select Create new PHAST model. Click the Next button. Specify "Not Applicable" for the projection. Then click the Next button again.

2.The Initial Grid dialog box will appear. The grid in this example is too complex to create through Initial Grid dialog box so click the No grid button. The grid will be created in a different way.

3.In the main ModelMuse window select Model|PHAST Title and Units… Copy the title from ex2.trans.dat to the clipboard and paste it in the title section or enter an appropriate title. Assign the following units. Then click the OK button to close the dialog box.


Data Set


Time units


Horizontal grid units


Vertical grid units


Head units


Hydraulic conductivity units


Specific storage units


Dispersivity units



4.Activate solute transport by selecting Model|PHAST Chemistry Options… and checking the Use solute transport checkbox. Uncheck all the other checkboxes except for Use kinetics and click the OK button.