Import Gridded/Mesh Data Dialog Box |
The Import Gridded/Mesh Data dialog box is used to import data at locations specified by column, row, and layer numbers or at specific node or element numbers. For gridded data, the data can either be in the form of a list of column, row, and layer numbers with associated data values or it can be an array of data arranged in the same way as the corresponding cells are arranged in the model. For mesh data it must be in a list of node or element numbers associated with data values To open the Import Gridded/Mesh Data dialog box, select File|Import|Gridded Data... or File|Import|Mesh Data...
In the dialog box, the user must select the Method (Array or List) and the Data set into which the data are to be imported. (Only the List option can be used with SUTRA mesh data.) Optionally, the user may also select one or more Values to ignore in the data. The main part of the dialog box displays one or more tables in which to enter the data. Values may be typed into the tables or copied from a spreadsheet program and pasted into a table. (The Paste Data button or Ctrl-V is used to paste.) For Boolean data sets, data pasted into the table should be either "True" or "False." The data will be imported as one or more objects with multiple sections. Values will be assigned to the cells, nodes, or elements intersected by the objects. If the data is to be pasted into the table has several rows of data per grid row and the "Array" method is used, the user can check the Multiple data rows per grid row check box to ensure that the data is pasted correctly.
In MODFLOW-LGR models, the user can select which grid to use when importing the data.
The Import Points dialog box can also be used to import data using a list of column, row, and layer numbers for models with grids.
See also:
•Data Set Values dialog box
•Import Gridded Data Files dialog box