Equation Tab |
This tab is on the SFR: Stream-Flow Routing package pane of the MODFLOW Features tab of the Object Properties dialog box. It is used to specify the equations that define the relationships between flow in the stream and depth and width when a power function is selected for ICALC.
The Starting time and Ending time of each time period is specified on the Time tab
The equation (DEPTH = CDPTH × QFDPTH) relates stream depth in all reaches in this segment to streamflow (Q).
The equation (WIDTH = AWDTH × QBWDTH) that relates stream width in all reaches in this segment to streamflow (Q).
Depth coefficient is used to specify CDPTH.
Depth exponent is used to specify FDPTH.
Width coefficient is used to specify AWDTH.
Width exponent is used to specify BWDTH.