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ModelMuse Help

The menu items under Edit are listed in table 4. The commands under this menu are used for editing the model.

Table 4. Edit Menu

Menu Item


Undo button Undo

Reverses the last action.

Redo button Redo

Cancels undo.

Cut Cut

Cuts the selected object or objects to the clipboard.

Copy Copy

Copies the selected object or objects to the clipboard.

Paste Paste

Pastes the object or objects on the clipboard into ModelMuse. If any of the formulas for data sets are invalid in the model into which the object or objects have been pasted, those formulas will be reset to default values.

Select All

Allows the user to select all of the visible objects on the top, front, or side view of the model.

Invert Selection

If any object is selected, choosing Invert Selection will cause all of the visible objects on the same view of the model that are not selected to become selected while also cause the selected objects to be de-selected.

Edit Images...

Allows the user to edit data related to images that have been imported into ModelMuse. See Import/Edit Image dialog box.

Show or Hide Image[s]...

Allows the user to show or hide background images. See Show or Hide Images dialog box.

Delete Image

If one image has been imported, this command deletes it from the ModelMuse file. If more than one image has been selected, this command allows the user to delete one or more of the images from the ModelMuse file. See Delete Image dialog box.

Clear Undo/Redo Stack

Immediately after selecting this option it will not be possible to undo or redo previous actions. However, it will be possible to undo and redo future actions.

Screen capture of the "Add pilot point" button. Add Pilot Point

After selecting this choice, the user can click on the top view of the model to add a pilot point at the location of the pilot point. See also: Using Parameters with Data Sets.

Screen capture of the "Delete pilot point(s)" button Delete Pilot Point(s)

After selecting this choice, the user can delete individually specified pilot points or pilot points created between point observations by clicking down with the mouse on the top view of the model, dragging the mouse, and then releasing the mouse button. Pilot points in the rectangle defined by  where the mouse button was depressed and released will be deleted. See also: Using Parameters with Data Sets.