CSUB Example: Run Model |
ModelMuse needs to know where MODFLOW 6 is installed. By default, it looks for MODFLOW 6 in C:\WRDAPP\mf6.1.0\bin\mf6.exe. (If there is a more recent version of MODFLOW than version 6.1, it may have a different default location.) You can change where ModelMuse looks for MODFLOW 6 by selecting Model|MODFLOW Program Locations... and specifying a different location in the dialog box.
To run the model, select File|Export|MODFLOW 6 Input Files and save the MODFLOW Name file. ModelMuse will save all the input files in the same directory as the name file. The model will be run through a separate program named ModelMonitor that is distributed with ModelMuse. ModelMonitor reads some data from the listing file as MODFLOW runs. It plots the percent discrepancy in the model for each time step and shows any error or warning messages.
When ModelMonitor is closed, the listing file for the model will be opened in a text editor. If there were any error or warning messages, you could look at the listing file to see if any of them need to be addressed.