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CSUB Example: CSUB Observations at Wells

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The next step is to specify some CSUB observations at the well locations. We will add the following types of CSUB observations.








Fuller explanations of the different observation types is in mf6io.pdf which is distributed with MODFLOW 6. Each of the observation types will be exported to a separate file with the CSUB observation type as part of its name. Because we choose to export the observations as text files on the OBS: Observation Utility Package pane, we will be able to read the files easily in text editors and spreadsheets. We can use them to compare our results with the ones in csubexamples.pdf in the MODFLOW 6 distribution file.

Edit one of the objects that defines a well and enter an observation name and select the CSUB observation types. Then do the same with the other well object.

Specifying CSUB observation at well locations