Crop Efficiencies

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This tab is on the Farms dialog box.

Farm ID (FID)

The farm ID uniquely identifies a farm. It must be a positive integer different from that in any other farm. If prior appropriation is used, the farm ID also sets the water rights priority of the farm with farms with lower farm IDs having higher priorities over farms with higher farm IDs.

Farm Name

The farm name is optional. It is used to help the user identify a particular farm in the list of farms on the Farms dialog box

Crop on-farm efficiency (OFE)

The crop on-farm efficiency is a number between 0 and 1 that indicates the efficiency with which a farm uses water for a particular crop. For example, if 10% of the water diverted from a stream for irrigation evaporated before being applied as irrigation, the crop on-farm efficiency would be 0.9. Separate values must be specified for each crop. The efficiencies can vary with time.