Configuration Pane |
The Configuration pane is on the SUTRA Options dialog box.
ModelMuse supports three types of mesh (MSHSTR) in SUTRA models: 2D areal, 2D profile and 3D.
2D areal, and 2D profile models are both edited only on the top view of the model. However, for profile models GRAVY should be set to a non-zero value. 3D models can be edited on both the top and front views of the model.
SUTRA does not require that the direction of gravity be parallel to the X, Y, or Z coordinate axes. For a tilted model, set two or more of GRAVX, GRAVY and GRAVZ to non-zero values. GRAVX, GRAVY and GRAVZ will all be set to zero automatically if SIMULA is set to Solute using head.
Transport (SIMULA) controls whether solutes or head is transported and whether pressure or head is used. Heads can only be used if solutes are transported. However, if head is used and solute concentrations vary enough to materially affect the fluid density, the model results may be unreliable.
Flow conditions (CUNSAT) controls whether or not flow in the unsaturated zone is simulated. See the SUTRA documentation for more information about simulating unsaturated flow.
Simulation type (CSSFLO, CSSTRA) controls whether flow and transport are steady-state or transient.